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Since 2011 Hoylake has been progressing the production of its Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). This process was initially led by Hoylake Village Life and latterly by Hoylake Vision (formally Hoylake Community Planning Forum).

The NDP is a statutory plan and has been widely consulted upon within Hoylake. Its policies will be used by the Council to help determine Planning applications and to guide the longer term development of the area.

The NDP is structured around six main themes: 1) Improving the Town Centre; 2) The Promenade and Recreation; 3) Getting Around Hoylake; 4) A Distinctive Identity; 5) Homes in Hoylake, and 6) Enhancing Carr Lane Industrial Estate.

Theme 1 is supported by six policies which seek to strengthen the retail function of the town centre, encourage the use of space above shops, improve shopfront design and widen choice for eating, drinking and entertainment during the early evening. It also suggests an exciting scheme to create a new town square in the vicinity of The Row.

Theme 2 is supported by two policies which seek to make better use of the promenade for public recreation, including more food and drink outlets, and to improve existing areas of public open space, including Grove Park.

Theme 3 is supported by one policy which seeks to improve pedestrian and cycle connections between Market Street, the promenade and the railway stations and to manage the impacts of vehicular traffic, including on-street parking.

Theme 4 is supported by two policies which recognise the significance of key buildings outside of the conservation areas to the character and appearance of Hoylake and seek to preserve or enhance that significance. Appendix 1 and Map 3 identify these buildings.

Theme 5 is supported by three policies which seek to ensure that new housing meets the needs of the whole community while protecting the character and appearance of Hoylake.

Theme 6 is supported by two policies which seek to ensure that the Carr Lane Industrial Estate remains the primary location for non-retail businesses and seeks to improve the estate and surrounding Green Belt land moving forward.