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Would a Town Square redevelopment at The Row have your support?


In the area defined as HS3 on the Proposals Map a comprehensive redevelopment scheme, or individual proposals delivered as part of a phased masterplan approach will be permitted, so long as they would deliver a high quality public space that would be well-integrated into the key shopping area.


A key aspect of the Improving the High Street section of the current NDP that needs greater consideration are the options for a comprehensive town centre square redevelopment which were not explored in detail, although the plan does include a Masterplan area HS3 for such a development.

In consultation with the community, in 2021 we published a Masterplan and Design Guide and Codes that includes more positive options for the area in anticipation of this eventuality. The Masterplan sets down some detailed guidelines and policies to ensure best possible outcomes for the town, but could we be even more ambitious?

This large and strategically significant area includes The Row itself, the old Co-op site (now leased to Rightway), The Ship Inn, Jesse’s Yard, the Melrose Hall, and the Polder Healthcare site on Melrose Avenue.

We are concerned that parcels of this part private and part council owned land will become available for redevelopment in an ad hoc way over time.

This would be highly likely to fail to deliver on the ambitions for a comprehensive scheme including mixed use leisure and retail, additional residential and a ‘town square’ type public space.

Indeed, the St Luke’s Tennis Courts site was sold and redeveloped for housing before the NDP was “made”; an opportunity has already been lost there to a development that does little for the town centre.

Should even more of this land be developed in this way?

Our consultation results clearly indicate that we need to be in the best position possible to attract development that supports the community as well as the local economy rather than a series of further infill housing developments.

This site is very close and immediately adjacent to the High Street; this is why Masterplan Area HS3 and Policy HS3 aim to deliver a more comprehensive scheme that benefits the whole town.

Do you agree? Would a town square redevelopment, with destination retail and leisure facilities, affordable retail units for independent ‘niche’ or ‘destination’ businesses on the ground floor, and residential development on upper floors, benefit Hoylake residents and existing businesses?

What could work well in Hoylake? Another Supermarket? A theatre and music venue? An indoor or outdoor market?

Or are you happy for more of it to be sold off over time to residential developers?

This section will provide some supporting evidence, background reference and opportunities for feedback.

Click the link to the right to download the relevant  files.


In order to develop Policy HS3 in the next iteration of the NDP in 2020 we will need to:

  • Consult widely on what the community and local businesses would like to see should an opportunity arise in this area.
  • Research and gather as broad a range of evidence as possible in order to help demonstrate whether a regional or national anchor business, that would likely be the enabling scheme for such a project, is either likely to support, or adversely affect, existing and future independent businesses in the local context.
  • Establish a realistic estimate of quantity, type and tenure of housing that could result from the scheme.
  • Explore a full range of alternative options for the area.



This information helps us to assess whether the range of responses we receive are reflective of the wider demographic make up of Hoylake.
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