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Who are Hoylake Vision?
A group of local volunteer residents and businesses, and we love Hoylake. We are not part of the council.

So what are you doing?
We produced and manage the Hoylake Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) in consultation with local residents and businesses.

The NDP came into force as a statutory part of the Council’s Local Plan in December 2016 following a public referendum.

What’s the point?
Maybe you don’t want things to change much, because you think Hoylake is already a great place to live. We agree.

Maybe you think that some things could be better, and wish there was a way to make that happen. We agree.

Maybe you think some things are actually getting worse, and wish there was a way to ‘stop the rot’. We agree.

We’re here for all of those reasons. But first and foremost, while wanting to celebrate and protect the best of Hoylake, we recognise that some change is inevitable and necessary in order to keep any town or village ‘alive’. And we believe local residents and businesses should have a much greater influence on future decisions around how that change happens, when it happens, and what it looks like.

It really is that simple.

What kind of changes?
Firstly, it protects: the plan will give greater protection over the best of our existing assets, whether buildings or green space, from demolition or unsuitable development.

Secondly, it manages change: it is inevitable that over time new houses, shops, offices and other buildings will be built; the plan will influence how and where that happens. So if developers want to pursue an idea, it will need to comply with the plan.

Thirdly; it is creative; together, we can put forward and encourage positive new ideas to meet the needs of new generations of residents and businesses, to ensure a sustainable future for Hoylake.

All together it’s about managing change and influencing decisions.

We were granted legal authority to make the plan under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011. Now that is is part of the Council’s Local Plan, Council Officers must take it into account when making planning decisions. Developers should refer to the NDP alongside other planning law, before designing and proposing new developments.

What if I don’t like parts of the plan?
The NDP will run until 2020 when it will be renewed for another five years. So now is the time for the whole community to review it and add new objectives, priorities, policies and ideas.

So even if the plan isn’t perfect yet, we believe Hoylake is better off with a plan than without.

So come on board. Read the plan, and join us in making the 2020 plan even better…

“To maintain Hoylake as an environmentally attractive seaside town and socially inclusive place to live, work in and to visit. To be a healthier, well-housed community with a thriving economy which values creativity and entrepreneurialism. To support a vibrant town centre, which meets the day-to-day needs of local people and provides high quality food, drink and entertainment opportunities for residents and visitors. To support the town centre and the Carr Lane Industrial Estate as the foci for a wide range of easily accessible jobs.”

This website aims to serve four purposes:

  1. To provide a library of supporting reference and evidence that will inform the evolution of the Hoylake Neighbourhood Development Plan.
  2. To invite suggestions for future objectives, priorities and policies.
  3. To invite comment on existing objectives, priorities and policies.
  4. To provide a public record of ongoing public consultation and meetings, including those of the management group.
  5. To provide a public record of representations on relevant planning applications within the NDP area.