Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at The Ship Inn, Hoylake on 18.10.17.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MH); Julian Priest (JP); Richard Stowe (RS); Alex Woods (AW); Chris Moore (CM)
Members not in attendance
Stewart Lowther (SL); Peter Edwards (PE) (Chair)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and seconded.
- The Management Group approved the final draft of the revised constitution as presented by CM. However the group requested an addition to the first paragraph; that MPs and Ward Councillors may join but may not stand on the management group. Actions:
- Constitution to be amended by CM and submitted to WMBC
- Final document to be uploaded to the Hoylake Vision website by MH and approved by the Hoylake Planning Forum at the next public meeting.
- JP updated the group on planning matters:
- 43 Walker St: JP to write to PCO – absence of Design & Access Stetement – lack of streetscape elevations: eg wrong titles on elevations.
- Lifeboat Station: Outdoor Activity Centre didn’t get approved. Need to start a conversation with owner Mike Burke about appropriate illuminated signage as WMBC approval does not include conditions.
- 14 Meols Drive: pre app – CM responded because he had heard about the scheme ‘through the grapevine’. Applicant would need to justify the demolition of an existing residence due to lack of repair Joanne Storey is now Case Officer – suggested split into 2 or a number of flats. CM also mentioned the NDP as also relevant. JP to write to J Storey to offer HV / HNPF comments
- Presbyterian Church: Cllr Gerry Ellis asked for the appliction to be called in. However it was noted that the application was not on the Planning Committee agenda for September. It is anticipated on the agenda for October: JP to check. A site visit is anticipated for November. It was noted that developer Steve Roberts has an interest in the building/site.
- Tennis Courts: Steve Roberts has been required to provide a drainage survey.
- Meols Drive: Home The Old Garden: The trees which have been removed need to be compensated for. No aboricultural plan submitted as yet, this was a condition of the planning approval.
- Local Heritage List – WMBC consultation is not / or is not a statutory requirement; not in the NPPF / but a requirement for Historic England [formerly know as English Heritage]
- McGrath Dental: Have had permission approved for their illuminated sign. However a concern was raised that they have added a temporary banner without permission. CM had written a complaint on behalf of the Conservation Group. HV should also submit a complaint: JP to action.
- The Beacon: planning submitted but is yet to be validated
- Shopfront Design Guide: It had been concluded from the previous public meeting that this should be an advisory document. However it had been agreed that there was room for including a reinforcing policy on shutters in order to avoid a cumulative impact in future. Such a policy will therefore be pursued for the 2020 NDP. The Shopfront Design Guide should be updated citing good recent examples as an example.
- Illuminated Signage: could be added into the NDP, potentially stating max lux levels.
- Vape Shop: JP to write to WMBC about the excessive lux levels affecting the amenity of the residential properties on the other side of Market Street.
- Enforcement: JP / CM to write and complain about the lack of response and the ineffective nature of the enforcement process.
- Temporary railings banners: JP / CM to write to the enforcement team in respect of long term banners.
- A conversation was held about lack of engagement with local residents
- A significant problem is the content [planning] is very dry
- The most successful engagement in the past was via the survey. We need to be more directly engaged moving forwards.
- The website is not reaching people: we could drive people to the Hoylake Vision website via the HVL facebook?
- AW suggested getting local schools, Holy Trinity, involved to generate content based on a small local project; this would engage local younger people
- Arrange a community volunteering event, such as a clear the strand line ?
- Beacon Project is successful with engaging with wider audience
- Arts based events as a engagement tools
- All members of management forum to put forward ideas for next meeting for community engage events
- HV Identity: Could we have a clearer Hoylake Vision ID for promoting who we are?
- Conservation Areas Event: CM mentioned a Conservation Areas Event to celebrate these being 50 years old this year on Thursday 9th November, already got support from Frank Field and Margaret Greenwood. MH would rework the referendum leaflet into a pop-up-banner and would attend “conservation is about enhancement as well as preservation”
- Blue plaques: ideas? Needs to be significant?
- A meeting was arranged for the following Tuesday meeting between MH, AW, JP & Michael Coates to talk through ideas for Night Time Economy.
No announcements were made
Approved by the Chair in absence and on behalf of the Secretary on 21.10.17