Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at The Plasterers Arms, Hoylake on 12.09.17.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MH); Julian Priest (JP); Richard Stowe (RS); Alex Woods (AW); Chris Moore (CM); Stewart Lowther (SL)
Members not in attendance
Peter Edwards (PE) (Chair)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and seconded.
- Constitution: The latest draft was discussed. CM proposed some changes to the Vision Statement. It was considered unnecessary as the wording reflected the aims of the forum generally. CM would make the required minor amendments and prepare for final review.
- Recent applications and current status: JP gave status updates on:
- Presbyterian Church
- Beacon project
- Website updating and forum access: MH refreshed the group on what they need to do to access the Management Group Forum and a conversation about wider public forum remained inconclusive: the work required to monitor and administrate remained beyond our current capacity. It was nevertheless deemed to be a requirement at the earliest opportunity for improved engagement.
- Elderly care survey status: AW gave an update. Response had been poor. She would continue to push this where possible.
- Younger people: MH had made further contact with Michael Coates and hopes to encourage him to attend a future meeting.
- Strategic Housing Assessment: JP gave an update. There was little HV have to offer to the consultation process. A concern was raised that the SRA may be used to justify the proposed Golf Resort housing proposals, but it would be impossible to demonstrate any direct linkage between the two. The current priorities, objectives and policies in the NDP are clear; new housing developments should closely reflect the existing balance of housing in Hoylake.
No announcements were made
Approved by the Secretary in absence and on behalf of the Chair on 14.09.17