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43 Walker St – Proposed additional floor and pitched roof

43 Walker St – Proposed additional floor and pitched roof
October 20, 2017 Jo0Lz

Having been advised by a Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council [WMBC] Planning Case Officer [PCO] of a submitted proposal for adding a floor and a pitched roof to No43 Walker Street to create a new apartment the WMBC website was visited to review the proposal; planning application Ref No APP/17/01232.

The lack of clarity of the information submitted so far initiated the following initial response . . .


Dear Ms McDougall

I write on behalf of Hoylake Community Planning Forum to make our initial response to the Planning Application Ref No APP/17/01232 – Proposed construction of an additional floor on to an existing 2-storey terraced property to provide an additional apartment with associated internal alterations – 43 WALKER STREET, HOYLAKE, CH47 2DY

In considering the information submitted to date and having attempted to review the proposals we consider this application as submitted to be lacking information and invalid as it does not meet the requirements of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Part 3 Article 7 as there are insufficient plans, drawings and information as necessary to describe the development which is the subject of the application.
The lack of a Design and Access Statement or a streetscape elevation make it impossible to determine the relative impact and size/scale of the development proposal on the directly adjacent properties.
This lack of information is further compounded by the submitted elevations being incorrectly titled (incorrect street names) and as such only serves to confuse any person aiming to review the proposal when reviewing the site/location.
The previously approved, subsequently lapsed, prior application, ref no APP/09/06455, correctly included elevations of the streetscape and a conclusive Design and Access Statement.
In your role as Planning Case Officer we trust that you will contact the Applicant/Agent to request further information/drawings in order that this application can be properly assessed by yourself, Hoylake Community Planning Forum, other consultees, neighbours of the site and any other interested members of the public.
Kindest regards

Julian Priest

on behalf of Hoylake Community Planning Forum