Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Popsy’s café, Hoylake on 18.02.20.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MH) (Chair), Nigel Blacow (NB), Jon Morgan (JM), Julian Priest (JP), Alex Woods (AW)
Members not in attendance
Andrew Lawton (AL), Vicky Ponsonby (VP)
Approval of minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Group general news AW was welcomed back to the group after her ‘sabbatical’. Her PhD had gone well and we were all appreciative of her coming back.
- Update on Locality funding, PLACED consultancy MH confirmed that time was running short to organise and promote a consultation day within the Locality funding deadline (31st March). We might have to refund some unspent money and re-apply in April.
- Update on ACVs NB updated the group on ACVs. WMBC had accepted two more; Grove Recreation Park and Meols Parade Gardens.
- Update on Vision bank account/need for new Treasurer and second signatory JM had not yet heard back from the Co-op.
- Newsletter NB had drafted a newsletter and it was agreed this would go out asap once MH had input.
- Update on EV charging points NB had reported that the council’s bid to OLEV had been successful following our earlier representation in support of charging points for Hoylake. The total funding was £77k for 15 sites; ten of which would be in Hoylake. Proposed sites are: Cable Road 3 points; Trinity Road 3 points; Groveland Avenue 2 points; Strand Road 2 points. This was a welcome and positive result. NB and JP would continue to monitor progress.
- NDP Boundary extension MH would write to David Ball and Jon Entwistle explaining the thinking behind this. The letter would be shared with the group. In essence the objectives are:
- To strengthen the existing NDP policy BR1: Seafront recreation
- To support the existing NDP Objective 4
- To enable the designation via the NDP of the extended boundary area as a Coastal Change Management Area
- Update on planning apps (Stanley Road esp) JP reported there were no planning applications of note
- AOB There was no AOB
Date of next meeting 10 March 2020