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Management Group Meeting minutes 09.02.21

Management Group Meeting minutes 09.02.21
March 6, 2021 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held via Zoom on 09.02.21.


Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Alex Woods (AW), Jon Morgan (JM), Philip Barton (PB)

Members not in attendance

Julian Priest (JP), Jon Caswell (JC), Vicky Ponsonby (VP), Andrew Lawton (AL)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were approved

Management Group Meeting Reports

  1. Update on PLACED Consultation work feedback
    MHo reported that the consultation analysis work by PLACED was  now complete and the final report would be made public mid-March with accompanying PR.
  2. Update on AECOM Design Code and Masterplan work feedback
    MHo and NB reported on good progress with AECOM on the Masterplan and Design Code work; both of which are informed by results of the consultation. A meeting via Zoom had been planned for 2nd March at 11am where guest invitations would be sent to Jon Entwistle, Forward Planning officer at WMBC; Chris Moore, Secretary of the Conservation Areas Association; and Philip Barton, Planning adviser to Hoylake Vision. All members of the management group were encouraged to attend if they could. This meeting would include a brief from AECOM on progress.
  3. Update on new planning laws and impacts on emerging NDP
    PB reported on a Zoom conversation between himself, MHo and Margaret Greenwood MP regarding her concerns about the changes to planning laws, in particular the focus on Protection, Renewal, and Growth. It was considered by PB that the changes are not likely to adversely impact the NDP but that we should monitor developments as the policy proposals emerge.
  4. Planning applications: Ellerman Lines
    The management group discussed the likely response to this planning application which has now gone to appeal for review by the Secretary of State. It was agreed that the management group would submit a representation objecting to the proposals. The location of the site and its impact on public safety for current and future residents and businesses was of particular concern. LW and MHa would liaise to produce detailed information on existing provision and evidence of need. PB would draft a high-level planning assessment in the context of the objectives, priorities and policies of the NDP and MHo would then draft an objection letter and circulate before submitting.
  5. Planning applications: Stanley Road
    In JPs absence no update on this application was available.
  6. Update on beach / drains / geomorphological survey
    The group discussed and welcomed the recent decision by the council to undertake geomorphological and ecological surveys, along with an information and engagement programme and assent application for drain clearance and other non-vegetative management activities (windblown sand removal/relocation). This review is in line with the current NDP; beach management should be subject to regular review and it was encouraging to note that the council will be more proactive about public engagement during the process. NB mentioned that, since the council had agreed to address the drainage issues, the master planning work with AECOM could include proposals for a sustainable drainage system (SUDS) as part of a future remodelling of the promenade. This would align with the results of the survey as many people felt these issues should be addressed, but other amenity aspects of the promenade could be addressed at the same time. A promenade that puts people before cars.
  7. Next Locality funding application
    MHo reported that a likely underspend on the Locality funding would need to be returned to Groundworks by WMBC, the fund administrators. The group would be required to complete the end of grant report by the end of March. MHo would do this.
  8. Vision Banking update
    Three more personal address and banking details of management group members as requested by the Co-op were required so that the process of signatory changes can be completed. MHo would send a reminder.
  9. AOB
    No other business



Date of next meeting 9 March 2021