Call to order
In the light of the emerging COVD-19 pandemic the meeting was held via Zoom.
Attendees: All
Members not in attendance
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the last meeting were approved
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Personal update roundups from around the group The management group reported on their varying personal circumstances in the light of the pandemic. Despite the obvious range of difficulties, the work of the forum would be able to continue although further face to face public engagement would need to be postponed indefinitely and future meetings held by Zoom.
- Update on Locality funding MH reported that £3,118.75 had been received and spent. £2381.25 had been returned at the end of March. A further £9,000 had been applied for and a positive outcoe was hoped for. More funding would be needed once this tranche of work was completed. A new Masterplanning Technical support package had also been applied for. This was for a more holistic Whole Town Masterplan.
- Update on PLACED consultation and AECOM design code work. MH reported that work was ongoing and would send through survey questions and display panels etc for input the following week. An online version of the survey was being planned since COVID precludes public events.
- Update on Town Square conversations with owner and LA JP reported a conversation with the owner of the ROW who had indicated he intended putting in a planning application for residential units behind the ROW. It was considered this would most likely not align with the NDP. Further conversations would need to take place. MH and JP to meet with David Ball to discuss.
- Update on Local Plan consultation MH had submitted a Hoylake Vision response. Key points: density. Very poor take-up by the public. We could have been more proactive?
- Update on ACVs NB reported on current status of this project.
- Update on bank account signatories JM / AL reported on ongoing difficulties dealing with the Co-op. The situation was unclear and would take time to resolve.
- COVID response A press release had gone out about Hoylake Vision’s response to COVID-19, urging landlords to offer rent free periods to local businesses and urging the council to be prepared to more readily facilitate use changes to encourage economic recovery once the worst of the pandemic had passed.
- Open conversation An open conversation about how we see COVID-19 impacting thinking on NDP moving forwards over the longer term: what might future high street / small town economies look like? How can we reflect this in the next NDP? Do we expect the LA to be on the front foot? If not, can we lead the way?
MH reported on a recent interview with NESTA 50 New Radicals and meeting with New Economics Foundation to explore these broader issues. - AOBs
- AGM In the light of current circumstances is was unlikely an AGM could be held. Alternative options would be explored.
- Newsletter MH apologised that he had been unable to complete NBs earlier iteration of the newsletter but would do so in the coming days.
- AGM In the light of current circumstances is was unlikely an AGM could be held. Alternative options would be explored.
Date of next meeting TBC