Call to order
In the light of the emerging COVD-19 pandemic and a family bereavement the meeting was cancelled.
In the circumstances, including the imminent impact of Coronavirus on perceived public gatherings, MH recommended that we postpone the consultation day by PLACED and resume a new funding application after April to continue the work, but in the meantime, we would continue where possible to work with PLACED to prepare the survey / key points for consultation and explore options for online consultation.
We will then all have more time to work on this and arrange mutually convenient times to meet. Hopefully the whole process will be rather faster next time around and the council will be more rapid in their response.
MH would speak to Jo Harrop of PLACED and see what could be achieved in this, now very short, timeframe, and would circulate the draft outlines once tidied up by Jo. The option of an online consultation will be explored.
Unspent funds were being returned to LOCALITY. MH would speak to Philip Barton and PLACED to ask for their invoices to date.
In the meantime NB would continue pressing for information on drains and electric vehicle charging points, JM and AL would continue pressing Co-op for bank account signatory change, JP would continue with monitoring planning applications including the retrospective 34 Stanley Road. MH would produce a statement and PR about Hoylake Vision’s COVID-19 response.
Attendees: none
Members not in attendance
Approval of minutes
Management Group Meeting Reports
- none
Date of next meeting TBC