Hoylake Golf resort: Hoylake Vision Letter to the Leader of the Council
LATEST NEWS oninCouncillor Phil Davies c/o Town Hall Brighton Street Wallasey Wirral CH44 8ED 15 December 2017 Re: WMBC Golf Resort Project…
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Hoylake Village Life present ‘alternative’ Eco-golf resort, Wildfowl and Wetland proposals
LATEST NEWS oninAt a packed public meeting in The Parade, Hoylake Community Centre on Saturday 9th December, HVL presented their ‘alternative’ Eco-golf…
Wirral Local Plan – Development Options Review of land in the Green Belt
LATEST NEWS oninWe have just received a notification letter from the local authority which reads as follows: WIRRAL LOCAL PLAN – DEVELOPMENT…
Elderly Care Provision survey
inHoylake Vision, the resident-led Community Planning Forum is undertaking some research into the provision of residential care and other services…
43 Walker St – Proposed additional floor and pitched roof
LATEST NEWS oninHaving been advised by a Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council Planning Case Officer of a submitted proposal for adding…
Record of Public Meeting on 06.07.17: Shopfront Design and Signage
MINUTES oninA public meeting was held at Hope Church, Hoylake at 7pm on 6th July 2017 to discuss Shopfront Design and…
LATEST NEWS oninThere will be a meeting of the whole forum on Thursday 6th July at 7pm at Hope Church (Hoylake Chapel).…