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Management Group Meeting minutes 07.02.24

Management Group Meeting minutes 07.02.24
February 16, 2024 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Arthur’s Restaurant on 07.02.24.


Attendees: Mark Howard (MHo), Tom Hutchinson (TH), Jon Caswell (JC), Alex Woods (AW), Nigel Blacow (NB), Andrew Snell (AS)

Guest: Kate Hughes (KH)

Members not in attendance

Jade Wright (JW), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM), Dan Levers (DL)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the December meeting were approved.

Management Group Meeting Reports

  • Introduction to Kate Hughes (KH) re Sports Village
    KH introduced herself as Director of a locally based sports consultancy CIC with an interest in “Golf in Society”; accessibility of sport for all, with a particular emphasis on benefits for those with dementia and respite for carers. AS and KH explained their conversations around the options to bring a “golfit” style facility to Hoylake among other sports, leisure and access to nature, in the area of the the municipal golf course and beyond into the Carrs (previously identified as a site for the council’s Golf Resort proposals). The group agreed to stay in contact as conversations develop between the management group and a range of other potential stakeholders including local sports clubs. Once a clearer picture emerges we can begin to put together some high-level concepts which we can put out for consultation.
  • Forum re-designation consultation
    The Council’s statutory consultation on Forum redesignation had commenced in December with a deadline for responses of 9 February.
  • Conservation Area Appraisals update
    TH had commented on the first and second draft of this important document. The Kings Gap appraisal was still in progress. Once complete these documents would be published for consultation.
  • Census data update
    AW had been unable to find LSOA data; MH would look to see if it has been published.
  • Engagement strategy proposal
    TH had some ideas for this and would present at the next meeting.
  • PR plan update
    JC was aiming to distribute the next draft of this within the next week or two.
  • Planning applications
    TH reported on four applications:

    • RVC/23/01961 Development at rear of the Old Town Hall Vary C12 (17/01191) In accordance with the details submitted as set out in phasing plan reference 19084-SK-12 dated 30 July 2021, the proposals to allow independent occupation that permits residential and commercial units of Phase II, to be fully occupied and brought into use separately of Phase I (Conversion of the Town Hall) – or whichever Phase, is completed first. Response: Support (no NDP grounds for objection), expressing concern around the importance of “artisan” ground floor uses being retained as per the original application; deviation from this could be harmful to the town centre.
    • APPH/23/01951 Wirral point The proposed addition of a flat-roofed conservatory with a roof terrace, together with a raised patio and modifications to existing thresholds for wheelchair access. Also the proposed addition of 2 Juliet balconies, and the replacement of 2 existing uPVC rooflights with conservation rooflights. Response: Object (incompatibility with NDP)
    • APP/23/01840 New boundary wall to main entrance, bollards to vehicular entrance and reconfigured car parking layout proposed. Response: No representation as no conflict with NDP.
    • APPH/23/01880 Breakwater North Parade Replacement entrance to side elevation with planting, front and rear dormers, alterations to front bay window, new outbuilding to rear courtyard and new wall and gate. Response: No representation as no conflict with NDP.
  • AOB
    • No AOB

Provisional date of next meeting Weds 13 March 2024