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Improving Hoylake’s open spaces: comments

Improving Hoylake’s open spaces: comments
November 7, 2012 admin

Pitches and courts

  • We should be utilising our open spaces for both young and old. Having green spaces is one thing but we need areas that can be used for sports and outdoor pursuits. Better up keep of existing ones would not go amiss either!!!!!
  • It would be great to see improvements such as new basket ball rings & tennis courts in the park on the promenade.
  • Sport and leisure is a huge industry that, when developed, encourages businesses to move in.
  • The tennis courts / football pitch / basket ball areas would all be better used if there was more maintenance
  • Football pitch look a mess – why not an all weather surface. Tennis courts look uncared for.
  • There is a wbc employee working in the area around the bowling green every day – this area is kept beautifully and well planted.  Could some time and money not be spent on the well-used tennis courts?  One has no net. Open spaces where children play should
  • The football pitches, tennis courts and basketball courts need a bit of TLC and some investment.
  • The open spaces we have seem to be useful and cared for (especially the plant scene). More could be done with the tennis courts we have on the prom and a new skateboard area would be very welcome.
  • Tackle dog fouling first!
  • Already have tennis courts/football pitch and Victoria Park which is accessible from the promenade,
  • Five a side pitches would be a good addition. Cricket pitch off Carr Lane? Improve drainage so the open spaces on the other side of railway line can be used effectively.
  • 2a outdoor activities already exist on prom (a residential area) ie. sailing, bowling, junior football, basketball  2b skateboard – difficult to find a site in Hoylake. It might well end up graffitied & derilict as in other places.
  • Encourage the development of an amateur football club. Combine this with squash, badminton, athletics etc. This could make available a social & keep fit facility
  • Arent the existing tennis courts area and boating lake on the prom sports/activities areas?

Play parks

  • Better kept parks and gardens are high priority for me.
  • This is a big area for improvement we need more play areas for smaller children and also recreation areas for bigger children
  • Im not sure whether this section about open spaces refers to play areas, but I will assume so – the Grove Road playground has recently been improved, which
  • The existing recreational areas need to be kept to a good standard and not neglected by the Council.
  • Grove Park looks great, but now Queens Park looks awful in comparison
  • Open up Grove Park by removal of visual barriers – hedges, walls etc
  • public toilet
  • It would be lovely to have a real park with High Quality facilities.
  • Its important for residents that play spaces are not used during the night. I would like a 10.30pm limit on their use.
  • Need for continuous maintenance programmes for playground equipment
  • Hoylake is poorly served with its parks and gardens suffering from nearly 4 decades of neglect. Manmade spaces need to be reinvented for modern needs and maintained to the highest standards.
  • should upgrade the play area on carr lane hoylake as it is a bit out of date and the equipment does not cater for the really young also there is plenty of room to build a skate park there
  • To reduce the amount of dog poo in play areas and open spaces
  • I would like to pull off a once only event at Queens park for the Jubilee where all groups that want to join together to raise money for the play area. This is Hoylakes biggest park but now the only one with with poor, in fact worse than poor, play equipment
  • parks need updating.  Grove park has recently had alot of effort put in regarding hedges trees, planting etc but see saw doesnt work, swings are broken and rusty, slide climbing frame seems unsafe through wear and tear and rubber on baby swings have been
  • Hoylake has three kids parks and there is not a decent one amoungst them. Queens park is just a waste of an open space. More needs to be done. It is such a waste. The kids need somewhere to go
  • I would like to see Hoylake providing a playing area for children aged 9-14 years paticularly for boys.
  • create small duck pond (in Queens Park for example)
  • Hoylake childrenrparks need an imaginative re-vamp


  • The Hoylake prom is a disgrace  It should be completely paved as other
  • The parade gardens are a sorry sight – oh for those good old days when one could enjoy them.
  • The facilities on Hoylake promenade are very good as they are and simply need better maintenance of the tennis courts.  The facilities should remain free for the local community otherwise too much upgrading will encourage too many people from other areas
  • I think that the promenade from Hoylake to Meols needs new lighting & resurfacing badly.
  • Have a cafe on promenade offering refreshments and more toilet facilities along promenade.
  • The promenade is sterile, nothing to attract people. Needs somewhere to get tea, savouries, ice cream and shelterd to sit out of the wind
  • More refreshment facilities & toilet facilities and/or signposts to where these are available  Improvements to promenade – resurfacing etc
  • Promenade needs improving as it is looking tired. Whether this is simply refurbishing or modernising? Plus speeding up the renovating the disused toilets.
  • Improve the gardens on the promenade with more colourful plants also seats
  • The promenade requires a vast amount of maintenance  i.e. Road surface      Pavements & dog fouling      Shelters      Railings      Refreshments
  • Again lots of potential on the promenade. The railings could be tidied up. Well done and best wishes for the cafe.
  • The beach needs looking after.
  • I would like to see the beach/RLNI generate more tourism with a cafe and maybe an RNLI museum
  • A cafe on the front would be good
  • The concrete promenade could do with an upgrade.
  • The promenade needs to be improved and linked to the village somehow
  • The promenade already has a bowling green/tennis court, five a side, boating lake.
  • Promote Hoylake and create more or better equiped open access and spaces for the young and old.
  • Cafe on the promenade – what a wasted opportunity! And yes to any more activities available for young people,
  • It would we wonderful to have a marina like West Kirby
  • Cafe development on promenade to proceed at last.
  • Having seen some great promenade public spaces abroad, Hoylake could do with a vision to revamp the whole parade with a variety of themes or destinations along to encourage people to come and enjoy the beach/prom. A beach front cafe/bar would be great. Pe
  • signposts for walking routes, to red rocks, west kirby (via beaches)
  • There seems to already be a good space on the Promenade for outdoor activities – at the Parade Gardens near the Community Centre.
  • encourage a marina to be built which would bring in so much business and so many visitors. When the swimming pool was demolished, it was promised that there would be some sort of leisure facility in its place but there is nothing to attract people to Hoylake
  • The promenade is one of Hoylakes primary assests and should be linked up with Market St.
  • Add to appeal with beach huts/wheeled bathing hut(s)
  • the triangular tarmac patch near the lifeboat stn and water fountain needs to be converted to either a childrens protected play area/garden- it is bare and uninteresting at the moment
  • We should have exercise machines all along the prom like they have abroad
  • Exercise equipment like you see in Europe which is enjoyed by young and old. It is unbelievable that we still font have a decent coffee shop on the prom which would be such an asset to Hoylake
  • Put the large concrete area near the Lifeboat Station to a more imaginative use for passersby.
  • We need the cafe at the bottom of Trinity Road to be developed and public toitets.
  • We already have a recreationa
  • or  the tennis courts on the promenade and  and put the tennis courts back up in queens park and reopen all public  toilet  24hrs a day or rebuild them completely   The tennis courts on the promenade look awful  they
  • Allow development of cafes along the front, we offer no facilities for our visitors.
  • seafront businesses should be encouraged and facilities built for cafes along the front in a central location near the community centre / RNLI area
  • basic stuff   deck chairs   a punch & judy show     open air market near station
  • I think we shoould have a cinima that accomdates young and old where as a skate park doesnt
  • Trees planted along prom – ? Palm trees
  • Promenade is a concrete mess, needs updating like Seacome prom. Drilling on prom is carried out recklessly Concrete on proms dreadful/uneven/ugly
  • They are assets to Hoylake that need to be encouraged.
  • Develop prom with pier (Pebbles cafe)
  • Better use of beach attractions ie ice-cream parlour/ cafe. Beach and toilet facilities.
  • The promenade needs to be improved. It is so well used by walkers, runners, bird watchers  etc  The paving needs to be levelled and made more attractive as it is very much utilised by locals and visitors alike and sets the standard for Hoylake.
  • Promenade pavement is poor.  Land adjacent to lifeboat station is currently a wasted opportunity.
  • The beach is Hoylakes best resource. A cafe or two would add to the front enourmously.
  • The prom needs urgent attention. Its tatty and boring especially when compared with the section from Seacombe to New Brighton. There is a pressing need for some cafes to make it more inviting and to encourage more people to come to Hoylake and spend money
  • A cafe on the prom
  • Grass area at the side of the lifeboat station needs landscaping, benches etc – an eyesore at the moment apart from the lovely little floral boat. The ugly concrete area between the lifeboat station and bowling green badly needs landscaping.
  • at present the Prom does not encourage it is drab  without any amenities for refreshments etc. The refurbed boating lak
  • Improve Hoylake promenade to encourage more visitors
  • Events on the waterfront – Lifeboat day etc or similar
  • The empty toilet block at the end of Trinity Road looks terrible – where is the cafe?
  • Complete and start plans on public toilets by Trinity Rd
  • Hoylake prom is bereft of anything, other than the beach and a great view, and a haven for birds (which makes it rather pleasent to walk the dog (on the lead of course!))  West Kirby has some lovely coffee/ice creame shops which are very successful!
  • The lifeboat Museum & new Boat house will attract visitors and a tea room or coffee shop on the promenade would be an assett. Possibly between the Lifeboat House and Sandhey slipway.
  • Better pavement – eg. area by new lifeboat house could be used as a free car park More kiosk type catering for refreshments.
  • Doing more to encourage 24hour access to public space – in particular better (and more energy efficient) lighting to ensure that the night sky/aurorae etc are clearly visible
  • without comprising the effectiveness of the lifeboat, use the lifeboat station space for pay toilets and ice-creams…the profits from both funding the lifeboat…this would help keep the public in touch with this vital service but use the building effi
  • Encourage development along the sea front for cafes etc and
  • public toilets and a cafe desperately needed on the promenade
  • The cafe proposed for the old public toilets should go ahead. Somewhere that sells food and drink by the beach.

Diverse use

  • Creation of cycle paths (traffic free routes for all cyclists)
  • More needs to be done to encourage young people to engage in healthy, exciting and invigorating activities and to feel welcome.  We need to indicate that Hoylake is a desirable home for families.  At the moment the resident population seems to be unduly.
  • Young people need things to do. There is nowhere for them – trouble will come if we dont address this.
  • incredible edible – growing fruit/veg/herbs for all residents to pick and enjoy. Using open spaces.
  • The open site at the opposite end of Carham Road which is TOTALLY unused (except for business owners and their dogs at lunch) should be turned into a car park to stop bottlenecks around the estate and dozens of cars parking on the pavement and stopping fo
  • Develop and emphasise the foot / cycle paths links with other areas eg the path from Carr Lane towards Gilroy Nature Reserve, the cycle way along Hoylake G.C. to West Kirby, the prom and Nature Reserve from Dove Point.
  • Having safe, clean & friendly places for young people to socialise & play is vitally important.
  • NB We have enormous open space, ie: the beach, but the weather can be horrible. Could the nes cafe feature get to know wild life
  • More events reflecting the history of Hoylake would be good.
  • No its just right as it is, no mini Blackpool or Southport please. Thankyou
  • As many as possible should be included in Incredible Edible Hoylake scheme. Apart from the little growing beds, it would be lovely to have some larger things like fruit trees that are publicly accessible.
  • Somewhere to buy coffee, cakes etc whilst sitting out in the open
  • Please encourage the construction/renovation of the old toilet block
  • We need alot more facilitys for the young. This has been an issue since I was a child in Hoylake but at least we were aloud freedom to hang around in the park & climb trees etc. children/teens cant do anything these days without been questioned by polic
  • Where are these additional spaces? We fortunate in having tennis courts, a bowling green, a municipal golf course & some childrens play areas, though of course it would always be nice to have more.
  • Something for everyone is vital.  The process needs to be inclusive, no one should claim ownership of any open space.  Dog walkers, kids, hoodies, elderly, picnics, skateboarders, office workers, residents.  All should find their place in our open spaces.
  • Toilet facilities please by the open spaces & park
  • Activities for older people needed as well as young  – what about some live music at weekends – need cafe on prom.
  • It would be nice to have: more activities for children a garden/town green for people to enjoy an art installation on the beach
  • Recently cleared area opposite old PO could be used to create the focal point lacking in ribboned community, eg. grass, seating, planting ground level, planting raised level, perhaps in troughs or walled sections, trees and some sort of Hoylake plaque-typ
  • We used to have swimming baths, YMCA, etc. Why take them?
  • Whats happening re Hoose Court? Thought this was going to be an open space.
  • I think that better use has to be made out of the spaces that we have, but what we do have, some of the best spaces on the Wirral. We could have farmers markets and additional fairs and fates. Perhaps take on some the vacuum left by the Wirral Show.
  • For it to be easier to grow food for the public… fruit and veg etc
  • Avoid conflict with Cycle routes when installing skate board facility, and try to get more cycle only areas – Hoylake is great for children to cycle in, and it would be really lovely if we could extend a really safe cycling route to connect the pathway by
  • It would be good if there was a central plaza or square where there could be a monthly market and a community meeting place. Perhaps a performance space too
  • Yes more cycle paths youngsters are forced to ride on pavements as it is so unsafe for kids to ride on the road but you see the police with heavy handed tactics forcing kids on to the roads.
  • Children need more entertainment in Hoylake as soon as possible
  • Outdoor market days.
  • The area should have a range of recreational facilities reflectin the demographic profile of the area, but a balance should be achieved to ensure that this does not detract from those seeing quite enjoyment of the promenade.
  • More areas/activities for young teenagers

Skateboard Park

  • skate park !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Skate park Carr Lane or in the Hoylake Parks or on the prom
  • put the skate park in queens park,
  • DO NOT BUILD A SKATE PARK.  Children have been wanting a skate park since I was a child.  People would have to be employed (or volunteer) to police the park and make sure everyone is wearing the appropriate safety gear so irresponsible parents dont sue.
  • Skateboard park a good idea as long as it is out of the earshot of residential areas as in the past I have had problems with skateboarders outside my property in or near Grove park they sound like a train passing your door ?
  • A skateboard park would be wonderful for teenagers. I have been in Southport today and watched skateboarders, trick cyclists and roller bladers.
  • we should most defently have a skate park in hoylake becuase this will keep people out and healthy
  • With the new skateboard shop a skateboard park is essential, but not in a prominent position as skateboard parks are not usually particularly attractive.
  • I would like a skateboard park but selfishly nowhere near where I live as it is very noisy.  However it is good to encourage young people and people with children into the area as when I moved to Hoylake from West Kirby my two teenage sons  were devastated
  • A HUGE skatepark (5)
  • SkatePark or Pump track
  • If you construct a skate park, you will encourage kids from everywhere to come and sit around in Hoylake. No way. Yes to something indoors and supervised.
  • 2b) Should be a priority – I have spoken to the youngsters involved in skateboarding around the municipal golf course. They are courteous, well mannered and all they are seeking is a small facility to carry out their entertainment. – they should be encour
  • Yes to skateboard park but not to be near residential buildings
  • Unfortunately problem with skateboard park is risk of compensation claims – I saw one in Devon which had been closed because of such litigation costs.
  • Despite the numbers of school age children in Hoylake the development of areas where they can SAFELY play and enjoy activities are limited. Given the popularity of the Rampworx shop a skatepark would be high on my agenda as would improved play facilities
  • you should build a skatepark
  • Do Not Build A Skate Park its a waste of money, i am 14 and I want to keep Hoylake Traditional
  • Current facilities are fine Too many teenagers (which a skateboard park would encourage) would ruin the very essence of Hoylake and why we moved here.
  • a rampworx skate park
  • Please no skateparks
  • skate park would be great…
  • Make hoylakes skatepark easy to access if chosen to be created
  • If skatepark is considered it should be away from houses
  • skatepark
  • I believe building a skatepark would attract far more respectable youths, the vast numbers of alternative young people would drive away the ever increasing numbers of anti socialites. It would also bring more money to local shops and will probably improve
  • Are there any options to have a skate park near the municipal golf course/station car park as this would be relatively far enough away from any residential properties to create less resistance from the general public?
  • I I have no objection to a skateboard park; it is a low priority as I have no children.
  • should have a skatepark preferably rampworx

Bio Diversity

  • Provide more information about the birds visiting the beach, together with more teles
  • A sancyuary or sorts can be a good social value added attraction, a site where visitors can go and see the local wild life and introduce this to our infants schools etc. Charge by entry or donation.
  • Wild flower areas less expensive to plant and maintain and much more friendly for pollinating insects, bees and butterflies as well as being really attractive.
  • would like to see an increase in wildlife – but not if this means allowing the grass to grow wild and spoiling our beach.


  • Re: 2d I would like to see a sustained effort to rid the beach of the invading Spartina grass
  • I think the beach should be kept sandy if at all possible.
  • i think the grass should be removed from the sand
  • Keep the beach sandy!
  • Re2d I would like to see spartina grass totally eradicated as it id not indigenous to this country let alone Hoylake By all means let the beach evolve naturally, but without the grass We do not need an other Parkgate.
  • 2d This is a biased question! The beach is surely one of Hoylakes strongest attractions to let it evolve into the ugly mess of Parkgate for example the attraction of Hoylake would diminish greatly as a consequence
  • 2d On the contrary I support clearing of grasses from the beach.
  • Keep the beach a beach!
  • The sunset across the beach to Hilbre Island is one of the best in the world. Hoylake should benefit from this (and other attractions) by capitalising on the view. The fact that a small proposal to turn the disused toilets into a care/bar is ridiculous. O
  • Dont let it end up like Parkgate – get rid of the grass on the beach – birds will still come!!
  • certain areas of the beach to be developed naturally
  • We dont want a Parkgate
  • Clean the grass off the beach
  • Encouraging more wildlife is paramount, but allowing the beach to evolve naturally? does this mean allowing grassbanks to grow? If so would rather not….
  • 2d not if it means ending like Parkgate
  • Do not let the grass grow on the beach like Parkgate
  • I think that the Grass Weed that is growing on the sand should be removed with an urgent priority, maybe getting voulunteers involved. I would give up some of my time.
  • Getting rid of that awful spartina grass on the beach. This is not natural and was planted at Shotton and has worked its way accross here.  It needs eradicating and soon, or we will have the problems of Parkgate, biting midges etc. This beach was beautifu
  • Clear grass of the beach!
  • Beach must be kept free of grasses. In view of the success of Paracarting and Sand Yachting together with the increase of day visitors and bird watchers Hoylake needs to keep its beach clean and free of grass from Red Rocks to way past east of Dove Point.
  • beach should be kept clear of grass. More could be done with the grass area next to the lifeboat station
  • Should prevent the marsh grass to overtake Hoylake beach
  • As Wirral is a leisure peninsula think there should be more effort in keeping the beaches clean, free of rubbish and grasses.
  • Keep beach clear of growth to continue to encourage traditional use as well as sporting use (sand karting etc)
  • I would like to see wildlife encouraged but NOT the spread of grass on the beach
  • 2e* but get rid of the spartina grass – we dont want mosquitos like Parkgate.
  • Would not like the beach to become marshland like Parkgate
  • Please dont allow the grass to take over the beach
  • Do not let Hoylake become Parkgate
  • Dont want growth over beach
  • These need to be properly maintained. The most important feature is the beach – its a mess – and the removal of the grass has only made it worse (mud). Let it evolve nature
  • Wholly agasinst allowing the grasses to develop “”naturally”” on the beach. This will result in severe damage to the area as seen at Parkgate. Not only will it cause commercial harm but there is a greater risk of infection from the increase in mosquitos etc
  • The beach between Kings Gap and the Old Life Boat station has been cleared of too much sand, creating much water there. Some sand should be returned after the water is cleared away.
  • Spartina grass should not be allowed to grow on the beach – we do not want to end up like Parkgate
  • Clear the marom grass on the shore.
  • The grass growing on the beach needs to be dug out otherwise it will take over like it has done in parkgate.
  • Maintain grass free beach
  • I strongly feel that we should not allow the beach to evolve naturally. We shouldnt give up the battle to eradicate the grass. The beach is enjoyed by so many people –  we musnt lose it.
  • It is important to see the beach as a significant resource for Hoylake.
  • need to keep removing spartina grass
  • Beach will be like Parkgate unless kept free of grass. Keep as beach
  • prevent the beach from looking like Parkgate. Proximity to the sea is what makes Hoylake special and this aspect of the town in completely underdeveloped – it is a waste of a resource.
  • Maybe giving a more frequent cleaning regeme for the spartina grasses on the beach.
  • 2d Definitely not. We dont want another Parkgate.
  • Paving the prom nicely like in Spain/other countries
  • The quality of the beach should be improved.
  • RE: 2d We do not want another Parkgate
  • The grass now starting to encroach on the beach.
  • Natural
  • I would always encourage more wildlife, but would like the beach to remain sandy.
  • The sandy beach (and sea view) is one of Hoylakes prime assets. It is essential to maintain it as such rather than allowing a green beach to develop.
  • Do not let the beach become a marsh like Parkgate – keep it clear of grass etc. A clean beach is one of Hoylakes best assets.
  • Keep the beach as a beach while still encouraging the birds
  • We cannot fight nature. A new sea wall will be needed sooner or later. Invite a developer to build it 100m out from the current line between Red Rocks and the Lifeboat Station. The developer could build on the land-side 70m and a new prom created on the s
  • Clear the beach of grass etc and ensure it remains a beach
  • Not sure above queston is related to leaving the grass which grows on the beach. Im not an ecologist so have no knowledge to draw on but i do think it would be a sad day if the beach became inaccessible due to the grass.
  • The last thing we need is for Hoylake to become anouther parkgate. We do need somthing on the beach and or a market
  • Please dont allow our shore to go like Parkgate!
  • The grasses on the beach are an eye sore and will attract mosquitoes.
  • Keep beach clear from grass
  • Re the beach I would not like to see any further additional growth of grass etc  we need a nice beach to try and encourage day visitors
  • I dont think I would like the spartan grass to take over the beach, as it did in Parkgate.
  • leave the grass to grow naturally. its going to happen regardless. More shrubs and sculpture would be nice.
  • cleaning of beach partic. grass is well received
  • The beach should be kept as a beach!
  • Removal of silting up weeds growing on beach needs to be priority or there will not be a tidal beach for future generations.
  • Stop raking out the grass on the beach. The major excavation works of last year to remove the grass that had established a mini dune system down by the old swimming pool have simply served to spread the grass further over the beach. Our beach is a recover
  • Wonderful beach therefore a) Remove litter and add more litter boxes b) Uproot grass to maintain beach
  • We can not have a Parkgate (We dont have anything down on the beach)
  • we need to get rid of the grass on the beach which is not a natural plant. Certainly like to see as much wild life as possible.
  • Wild life yes, but dont want Hoylake to become like Park Gate. Plague of flies in summer and rat invasion ever high tide.
  • I would like to understand the implications of allowing the beach to evlove naturally.
  • A coffee/shop restauarant on the front turn one of the toilets into a little coffee shop- the views are great but there is no way to stop off and have a quick drink and bite to eat – such a shame as passing walkers would call in.
  • The problem with allowing grass to grow on the beach is that it would harbour litter.
  • I assume that the last point does not mean allowing grass to grow on the beach?
  • I would like to see the removal of Spartina Grass, as will occur this year, as a regular feature of local community activity.  We dont have any control over the tides so the changes to the beach and access to the sea will take their own course.
  • As far as the beach concerned we cannot allow grass to grow and the beach to evolve like Parkgate.
  • Possibly attempting to return the beach to the conditions of some decades ago
  • The beach should not be left to evolve naturally and the removal of unsightly grasses should be encouraged. We dont want Hoylake as another Parkgate, We want the sand.
  • Keep the grass off the beach
  • If the grass is not removed from Hoylake beach it will encourage rats and mosquitos. The flow of water should be left to evolve naturally.
  • the local authority should do everything possible to remove the spartina grass from all the beaches.
  • think its important not to allow the spartina grass to encroach even further
  • I am a horse owner, having the beach to ride on is a must as we only have a bridle path from Meols to Moreton Common & if allowing the beach to evolve naturally will deprive a lot of people access to the beautiful beach.
  • To keep the beach free of grassland, to remain as sand.
  • If you allow the beach to evolve naturally we will end up like Parkgate. The beach round this coast needs constant management to avoid the infestation of mosquitos from stagnant pools.
  • Re: 2d I would prefer the grass on the foreshore to be removed ie. roots dug out and disposed of
  • We will be sad to see grasses gradually covering the beach, but cant see how we can stop it.
  • 2d Does this mean another Parkgate?
  • Improve beach by removing grass and filling in pond areas by prom wall with sand.
  • Beach should be kept clear of grass or we will end up with no beach at all and the lifeboat wont be able to attend emergencies.  I would like to see a marina like at west kirby, if they managed it in 1899 we should be able to do it now!
  • I dont mind encouraging more wildlife but i would like the grass to be removed and the soft sand that i remember as a child back in place instead of the horrible wet sand we now have that is covered in black flies in the summer
  • The beach is deteriorating. Mud, silt and grass is taking hold. If left to “”evolve”” naturally Hoylake will lose its most significant visitor attraction and will become unattractive marshland. The sand level has risen “”naturally””.
  • Beach should still have the grass removed on a regular basis not to be left.
  • We need to ensure that the grass is removed so that we can enjoy the beach properly.  We do not want to have a situation like Parkgate which only attracts people to the promenade and not to the beach.
  • I dont want the beach to be colonised (as Parkgate) but it seems a waste of money to fight it.
  • The beach must be kept clear of the grass invasion
  • Coherent approach to the overall appearance and management would be helpful
  • Need to clear the grass that is invading the beach.The beach is a key area for families of all ages and should not be allowed to disappear.
  • The beach should be sand not grass – we do not want another Parkgate.
  • To allow the beach to become another Parkgate would be a disaster for the area with mosquito infestation and spartan grass everywhere. The beach should be cleared and areas no go for dogs so that families and children can enjoy a facility.
  • Yes, Can we get rid of the grass growing on the beach
  • Allowing the beach to evolve naturally  Think about Heswall and Thurston beaches
  • Id be hesitant to allow the beach to evole naturally – it is a key feature of Hoylake and although Parkgate is nice, the beach at Hoylake is far better to walk/play on than marshland.
  • please do not let the beach grow over. Maintainence is ever so important
  • We probably have to be guided by the scientists, but if the beach can be dissuaded from evolving naturally a la Parkate (or, closer to home, the stretch between Red Rocks and Dee Lane) I think that is more desirable.
  • I am torn between letting the beach evolve naturally and continuing to fight against the spartina grass.
  • The council should continue to erradicate the spartina grass as a clean beach will encourage families to visit the area.
  • Please keep up the removal of the weed/grass growing towards the Kings Gap end of the beach.
  • Please allow the spartina grass to be removed on the beach. our beach is naturally sand
  • The beach is looking tired lately
  • The improvement of open spaces will make Hoylake a more appealing place to visit.. The beach should be kept as a beach so the grass should be removed (we dont need another marsh like Parkgate).
  • By “”allowing the beach to evolve naturally”” do you mean leaving the the grass to overwhelm the beach?  When I was a child living in Avondale Road in the 60s and 70s there wasnt any grass on the beach itself and I think its a shame the way it has gone.
  • – also keep it clean
  • We support wildlife, however the maintainance of the beach remains a high priority for many reasons. The majority prefers sand to mud and grass
  • Misleading question above: Allowing the beach to evolve naturally will not encourage wildlife (unless you include rats and mosquitoes as in Parkgate)  Keep the open spaces open – we will never get them back.
  • I would need more information to comment further on the idea of leaving the beach to evolve naturally, Why not an area where it is just sand?
  • The fight against the grass on the beach
  • Clear grass growing on Beach
  • Beach is a key feature of town and needs a sustainable solution.
  • More work to be done regards getting rid of sparta grass on beach
  • Hoylake wildlife is very precious. However, if the beach evolves naturally, it will in time turn into another Parkgate with the associated loss of many seabirds, watersports attractions, and Hoylakes main attraction- the sea. The grass growing on the beac
  • action should be taken to prevent the grass taking over on the sands.
  • Keep control of the invasive grass on the beach
  • Would prefer the beach to be kept free of spartina grass, otherwise it will get like Parkgate.
  • Keep the grass from growing on the beach. Do NOT let the beach get overgrown with grass.


  • Provision of public WCs at Hoylake end of promenade


  • More planters in summer months on promenadeConstruction of grass/stone beds at selected places (as per Hoylake roundabout & New Brighton)
  • Lots more tree planting in areas like Queen`s Park.  The sandy soils are too dry for many trees but conifers would tolerate these conditions.
  • more trees
  • More seats, trees, and flower beds.

Lighting, Litter, dog poo,loos and Crime

  • Stronger action against people who dont clean up after their dogs.
  • Make surte the dog mess is cleaned up by the dog owners.
  • More public toilets that are open especially around Hoylake Beach & the Red Rocks area. Currently a nightmare with young children
  • Dog fowling on the beach is a major issue and is unsafe for children.
  • Certainly more toilets available in the beach area
  • Public toilets & a cafe by the new lifeboat station. Reduction in dog mess.
  • Keep up the work to keep beach neat and tidy, again combating dog dirt on pavements and open spaces. Horse droppings on promenade.
  • Keep up the work to keep beach neat and tidy, again combating dog dirt on pavements and open spaces. Horse droppings on promenade.
  • Stop young people playing football on the bowling green
  • More visits in parks from CPOs to prevent youths playing football on bowling green
  • Dog muck on beach is everwhere, more patrolling needed and a lot is done at night I think.
  • Control of dog access like other beaches in other countries. Dogs danger to children and families users. Dog fouling a real issue.
  • Dog poo! Dog poo!
  • Any open spaces would have to be well lit.
  • Maintenance, there has been a lot of litter in Hoylake over the last few weeks.
  • –       vain, disgusting level of dog muck and litter incl debris (wood with nails) on beach after the bonfire party –  very dange
  • It would be nice to walk from my home to the High St without the need to avoid dog mess left on the pavement. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TO IMPROVE?
  • Making sure dog owners remove their dogs faeces
  • The beach at Hoylake is full of dog poo and is a disgrace. (I am a dog owner)
  • Too many dogs and their mess
  • The promenade needs better policing of dog fowlers. It has got worse over the last 6 months (this applies to all walk ways really)
  • The modernist street lighting is inappropriate and detracts from the Edwardian atmosphere of the town.
  • More visable and active use of dog wardens in open spaces and parks
  • The dreadful tall lamp posts on the prom need to be replaced wit
  • Creating dog free areas and less dog mess.
  • also there is no lighting in Queens Park at night therefore could be dangerous and encourage use of park.
  • Dog fouling of beach should be stopped – for health and visual reasons.
  • Too much dog poo, as a dog owner it is so frustrating and as we live by the beach it is really discusting, something the council should look in to and actually catch and charge foulers

Miscellaneous open space

  • Need to encourage families to the area to re-dress the age balance.
  • Also better road surfaces, Ashford road is like an ice rink when wet and icy, and potholes such as theones that keep appearing in Hoyle Road are d
  • We do not have adequate parking facilities to promote leisures in these areas .


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