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Getting around Hoylake: comments

Getting around Hoylake: comments
November 7, 2012 admin


  • We need to give people a reason to come to Hoylake eg model village architecture/theme, central meeting area and good coffee shops and pubs.
  • Higher level of repair of pavements on roads leading to the high street
  • You should build a skatepark
  • skate park !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Reduce the rates for all the shop fronts, encourage the upgrade of sinage (beautification) with financial incentives or competition
  • Build less flats to ease road car parking problems. The development on the old Heaps site is a huge mistake and disappointment. It should have been used for a much needed extension to Market St school. The playground for children at this school is disgustingly poor and inadequate complete with stagnant water pond, a health hazard.
  • No, Hoylake is flat and easy to get around and is well served by public transport
  • Have zones, 20 mph on Market St  & Grove Park area. priority for cyclists and pedestrians – using streets
  • There is no encouraged to stop in Hoylake, just drive through. AThis needs to change. Hoylake has a lot to offer.
  • No on the whole v good
  • Build a pedestrian walkway around Red Rocks to reserve the rocks from further erosion. Resurface the pavement along the prom from Sandhey Slipway to Dove Point Slipway.
  • Need to find ways to encourage people to visit & spend in Hoylake. Increased signage, more crossings, speed restrictions etc will not do that.
  • No more lowered pavements as they invariably flood during and after rain becoming unusable.
  • Good clean public loos – like the ones at the end of Meols Prom/Leasowe prom.
  • Nice golf-related sculpture on the roundabout – golt clubs & tee?

Car Parking and Deliveries

  • Make better use of existing parking spaces
  • More parking on the high street.
  • These are all well and good, but they wont bring visitors cash to the area  Better parking would be a better investment.
  • IF the existing FREE car parks had better signage then non-locals driving through Hoylake would realise that they can easily stop and park for FREE to use the shops.  Something that is increasingly not possible in West Kirby. We need to create reasons for people driving through Hoylake to actually stop and use the local businesses to help the revive Market Street.
  • More attractive parking on street.
  • More free parking.
  • Better parking too. To encourage people into Market street we need not only better public transport but also a decent car park.
  • A carpark that is central for everyone to use, parking is an issue and I think stops people using the facilities and shops.
  • I find Hoylake accessible on foot, however parking can be limited on the high street.
  • Better car parking for shops.
  • What car parks! There are very few spaces.
  • More parking, but in the right place! People will not walk far to shop.
  • More car parking spaces instead of outside my house. I often have to park in the next street.
  • Convert the land where Hoose Court flats stood into a pay & display car park relieving the school car park opposite and assisting parents attending Hoylake School of Dance. Encourage people to that end of Hoylake, which hopefully will bring more business.
  • Too many cars park on the double yellow lines for far too long outside Home Bargains and the Blue Anchor.
  • Delivery vehicles blocking the flow of traffic.
  • There is insufficient car parking between The Ship Inn and Hoyle Road, thus does not encourage people to go down that end.
  • Must improve car parks. Ideal area by Home Bargains vacated by flats. Car park will bring revenue into area not drive past to West Kirby.
  • Edge of town parking is a priority. Mt road of residence is constantly blocked between 5 – 7 pm Mon to Sat due to Dance School & other neighbours. I have paid parking penalties because of it.
  • More car parks.   Annoying to have to travel to W Kirby to travel to Chester etc.
  • Parking signs should be sited so that you have time to find the park i.e. 100 metres
  • Certainly need more car parking spaces Suggest that the double pavements between Hoyle Rd & Queens Park could be made into parking bays on the outside pavement
  • Hoylake is currently very easy to get around for pedestrians. We do need more off street parking so that local traders can flourish. There is no need for anymore pedestrian crossings, 5 already.

Cycle Provision

  • Need a cycle path/lane?
  • More cycle provision – not just cycle lanes, but cycle storage, lock-ups, cycle repair services, stop-off places – make it easier to cycle, there should be nowhere better than Hoylake.
  • A cycle lane through market street or along the promanade.
  • More clearly defined cycle routes, especially from Meols to Leasowe along the promenade.
  • Cycle lanes.
  • Bicycles to hire on the prom.
  • Need to provide continuous cycle routes for cyclists especially younger children.
  • Traffic free cycleways eg along the seafront and between Meols and Moreton where there are wide verges which could be used.  “”Tip lane”” between Carr Lane Hoylake and Gilroy Road West Kirby would make an excellent cycleway at modest cost.  The footpath between Carr Lane and Saughall Massey Road would cost more but would be a wonderful asset to cyclists.
  • Designated cycle lanes on pavements if necessary.
  • Cycle paths needed, inc on the prom.
  • Cycle lane along Hoylake/Meols prom.
  • The prom could be marked with a cycle track so that cyclists (not just chidren) can safely and legally cycle its length but pedestrians will know where they will be safe and where extra care is needed.
  • Bike/walking paths along the prom.
  • Cycle paths to be increased.
  • Cycle path along Market Street – busy road to cyle on.
  • Is there cycle hire in Hoylake? This could be fun – there used to be a cyclists cafe off the promenade!
  • A cycle route would be attractive
  • A cycle lane on the prom as the cyclists ride 3 abreast. I have the tyre marks up my back to prove it.
  • Create a two way cycle path along North Parade
  • Cyclists are dangerous on pavements.
  • Police presence to rid pavements of cyclists adults and young children seem to think they have right of way on footpaths and Market St is narrow anyway Maybe cycling proficiency courses for those lacking confidence.

Pedestrian Crossings

  • We have more than enough crossings.
  • I dont think we need more pedestrian crossings necessarily, but could we consider moving the existing ones further down the road towards the West Kirby end of town.
  • I think in general, signage and pedestrian crossings are adequate – any dangers/incidents I have witnessed over the years have been due to people failing to use the crossings.
  • Hoylake already has enough traffic calmers and crossings – the road has been significantly narrowed since the pavement improvements and its not possible to drive fast anyway.
  • I think we are lucky with the number of crossings that we have.
  • There are two pedestrian crossings already.  No more are necessary and would be very ugly and stop traffic flow which is sometimes already heavy.
  • I think its already pretty easy. Although more road crossings and speed restrictions would be good in principle, it might also mean that cars spend a greater amount of time getting through Hoylake, and this would not be so good.
  • You should have a double zebra crossing opposite the Job Centre. People here can cross for safety and access to the train network.
  • Already plenty of pedestrian road crossings.
  • Pedestrian crossings maybe for elderly.
  • Pedestrian crossings needed on the main road from West Kirby before the roundabout.
  • Market St is very difficult to cross due to traffic volume Crossings in the wrong places & existing crossings slow to change.
  •  Parking & cycling on the pavements Improvement of transport especially in the evenings i.e. Arrowe Park visiting.
  • I feel there is a need for additional crossings to cater for community demographics (eg elderly / young).
  • No need for any more crossings there are ample.
  • There are plenty of pedestrian crossings. It is impossible to drive quickly through Hoylake at most times of the day.
  • Access links/crossings are sufficient as they are.
  • Maybe enough now.

Crossing the Railway Line

  • We need to punch through the railway line somehow.  A road bridge, more footbridges.  Market Street and the railway line must not be barriers, we need to come up with options for better access.
  • Sort out the railway crossing at Hoylake so the traffic does not back up several times a day.
  • I think we need a bit more of what we have, rather than any major change at the Hoylake station crossing.
  • Other access to Carr lane estate.The amount of heavy goods lorries, low loaders and r/tics going through the Town Centre to Carr lane vie rail crossing has trebled.  At 30MPH it takes 3 times the distance for one to stop like a car. Someone will be killed. Who is going to pay for heavy road wear?
  • We need easier access to the Carr Lane Industrial area to open it up.  A bridge is much needed.
  • The level crossing at Hoylake is closed for far too long. It closes before the train gets to Manor Rd and when the crew are still drinking tea at West Kirby.
  • Railway crossings (pedestrian) could be improved – but too many bollards & pedestrian crossings already.
  • Railway line safety for pedestrians sorely needed.
  • Avoid closing the barriers on Hoylake station crossing long before the trains are due. Emergency services could be held up if needed on the estate and houses

Public Transport

  • Late night public transport services is a must.  Train services beyond midnight, and night bus services.
  • We do need a better bus service – I never use them as they are either not frequent enough or don’t go to where I want.
  • The bus services to Hoylake are appalling, we need more buses,
  • Better early morning / late night train connections to Liverpool and platform payment facilites, more attractive season tickets for fixed routes as daily returns are cheaper.
  • Better bus timing information
  • Buses are a joke especially on sunday and the stations are too far away for many people to walk to.  A bus service should run along the prom past kings gap through to the hospitals and stopping at rail stations.
  • The bus timetables need to be revisited to make the different services more evenly spaced out
  • Hoylake is well served with public transport but knowledge of the routes couls be better through signage at bus stops. Merseyrail is excellent as a service.
  • Public transport for Hoylake is a joke. Buses are virtually non existent.
  • A shuttle bus service from Meols to Hoylake and back might be a good idea say every 15 or 30 mins.  I suppose this would prove expensive, but would be useful for the elderly.  I often drive to West Kirby for shopping as it is easier than trying to park in Hoylake.
  • The local transport facilities are great to Liverpool but trying to get to some opther areas of the Wirral is a joke.
  • More taxis after midnight.
  • More public transport later at night and more than one bus.
  • Tram.
  • Very poor bus services. Railway should be more prominent.
  • Buses seem to be better in and around West Kirby.
  • I think public transport is good.
  • I think the public transport in Hoylake is excellent and that the trainline into Liverpool is efficient and easy to use!
  • Bus services have deteriorated in the last 35 years, at the same time West Kirby (where I live now) has got much better bus services.
  • There needs to be a bus running between liverpool and hoylake.
  • Also later buses.
  • Would it not be better to have a bus every half hour instead of 2 every hour
  • There should be a more frequent bus service on Sundays and bank holidays.
  • There is a massive gap in public transport from Hoylake to Clatterbridge Hospital which MUST be addressed
  • On Sundays it is difficult to access Hoylake via the bus.
  • Public transport after 8pm in Hoylake (to/from) is a disgrace. Smaller buses but often
  • A bus that runs West Kirby – Hoylake – Saughall Massey. The 138 could be extended to include Saughall Rd area opening up more people to get to Hoylake
  • Public transport in and out of Hoylake after is not good. Even taxi services on a Friday and Saturday night are so busy that people cannot get home, this I beleive has a knock on effect having people on the streets for longer than necessary.
  • Struggle to get in and out of Hoylake at night and at weekends. Better bus service would help.
  • More buses going through – trains are fine (apart from Merseyrails woeful inefficiency but we cant influence that).
  • Why do buses stop a 6pm?
  • The Merseyrail service is already very good (by national standards).
  • Hoylake is served very poorly with the buses.
  • How about a free shopping bus to Moreton & West Kirby for those without cars. One that runs very often and regular. Hoylake has the worst bus time tables. Ever changing. West Kirby has excellent services.
  • A little bus that went along the prom and the streets leading off that would take the residents up to the high street and station. Some residents can’t make it that far for various reasons and are becoming housebound
  • See comments at the end re public transport. All the best transport and other facilities are based at West Kirby. Hoylake is a forgotten and deserted town, chemists/doctors.
  • Staggering bus times so we dont get two buses at almost the same time
  • We are very lucky in Hoylake. The trains are brilliant. I do not use the buses so much but it would be lovely if we could go from Hoylake to Heswall by bus.
  • I use public transport and I think we are reasonably lucky.
  • Please can we have buses which run after 6pm at night. Also more than 2 trains per hour after 6pm. Some of us can no longer afford cars.
  • A direct bus to Liverpool would be good, but the train service is excellent.
  • The trains stop running from West Kirby to Liverpool at 11pm, this is far too early, if the last train was at midnight far more people would socialise in the area and without the added expense of taxis home.
  • Apart from the train service there are no bus services on Sundays
  • More bus routes covering the Wirral, Liverpool, Chester. Current routes often via Birkenhead, hence time wasting. Time is money!
  • There are no good transport links from Hoylake to Birkenhead other than the train.
  • Our bus service is appalling.  We always had a good bus service in days gone by.
  • Buses are rubbish to Hoylake. We can’t get to other areas eg. Bromborough Heswall easily.
  • We would like a bus route from Hoylake to Liverpool.
  • We need better bus routes and more of them.
  • Buses currently a sparse service.
  • More frequent buses would help.
  • Local bus service Meols – WK – should be 50p flat fare. It is more expensive to take a journey on the bus on the wirral than it is in London – ridiculous!
  • Bus services in the evenings.
  • Better bus service to liverpool – especially when the trains arent working.
  • Public transport in particular the train service is excellent. More car parking would encourage people to stop and shop.
  • A day time shuttle bus from Meols to Hoylake to West Kirby would be good, say every half hour or 15 mins for shoppers etc and for children visiting friends.
  • Use of the carpark on the far side of the station as a rail/bus interlink.
  • Wanting to travel to Clatterbridge Hospital there are only a few buses early evening and none during the day.
  • Public transport already good – but too costly if you do not have a bus pass!!
  • The train is a great benefit to Hoylake and the station is a credit to those who work there.
  • I think our train service is excellent.
  • The public transport in and around Hoylake is good.
  • No service to hospitals over the weekend

Traffic Management

  • Make the road along the prom have traffic going both ways (I.e. from Hoyle Road onwards)
  • A traffic bypass would be good.
  • Open the prom to traffic both ways.
  • Make road by the sea 2way for the full length but with traffic calming.
  • Don’t clog up the traffic.
  • A new road from Carr Lane towards Greasby will be an advantage.
  • Make Market St one way & the prom the other way.
  • Could develop Carr Lane road to provide an alternative route in & out of Hoylake.
  • Systems could be put in place to encourage through traffic – goods vehicles etc to use alternative routes.
  • Due to ribboned layout, it is hard for village to overcome its direct route to W.K. in one direction and Moreton in the other. This thoroughfare feel is to the detriment of creating village feel.
  • Given the volume of traffic and its increasingly HGV usage, serious consideration should ultimately be undertaken to authorise by-pass potential studies regarding traffic flow, as the current infrastructure ia lacking and failing to cope. 3b, With regards to the railway line i
  • Before directing anyone to the promenade it needs some serious work. When it rains the flooding stretches from !c Parade to Hoyle Rd. The prom needs resurfacing & the pavement is positively dangerous. The one way signs are not adequate.

Traffic Speeds

  • The cars speed along Market Street, a 20 mph would improve the experience of shopping on Market street
  • Speed restrictions essential on both main road and side roads. safety over rails could improve and benefit all the local children attending hoy trinity school, allowing them to cross to the playing field as they have no grass at school but currntly have to cross tracks in a crocodile after teacher has phoned west kirby rails.
  • Speed restrictions on residential roads is a must. Many roads in and around Hoylake have commercial premises  (Nursing Homes) mixed in with houses. When the shifts change at these places the roads around them become death traps with the workers speeding to work or speeding taxis etc dropping them off.  Queens Road is like a race track at 8am.
  • Traffic calming (not speed bumps) to slow down traffic thru high street.
  • Speeding cars are main problem on main road.
  • Speed restrictions!!
  • Speed restrictions are pointless as people would ignore them anyway, as motorists do.
  • Speed restrictions on main road and on promenade should be 20mph
  • Sometimes cars travel far to fast along the promenade.
  • Heron Rd in Meols is very dangerous with 95% of drivers ignoring the 30mph limit.
  • 20 MPH speed restriction through Hoylake.
  • Hoylake has a lot of elderly residents and a reduced speed limit would be better.
  • Speed: 30mph fine for Market Street etc.  20mph would be good for side roads. I cant understand why so few roads in Hoylake have this limit.
  • There should be traffic calming measures along the prom, in Meols Drive and Stanley Road – the latter is often it seems used as a race track.
  • Significant inroads must be made into restricting speed along Market Street (eg 20mph advocation).
  • Don’t need more speed restrictions as the roads are already so busy that traffic cannot usually speed.
  • Speed restrictions for other growing numbers of automatic buggies.
  • 20 mph limit in Hoylake village.


  • Any additional signage should be on the add one remove one principle. The street clutter is terrible already – particularly the vast ugly yellow accident scoreboards.
  • If I was not a local I would have a difficult time getting around. I often find tourists lost and asking for directions.
  • No more signs please they are distracting for drivers and clutter the streets both physically and aesthetically.
  • Less sign posts,
  • A more eye catching sign for holy trinity primary.
  • Do not add any more green, yellow or orange signs to Hoylake.  They are an eyesore and the traffic department should be discouraged from adding any more.  The money saved could be used for improving the play areas in parks.
  • Signs- NO Already too many
  • I like the traditional signs currently in place, I was once asked “”where is the main beach”” so more signs would be useful.
  • I think the council has spent far too much money on unnecessary signage. The ones at the top of each slipway are a particular waste of money.
  • Signage to Manor Rd Station is appalling.
  • The “”entrance and exit”” to Hoylake should be better marked – using distinctive road markings and signage. This would give a sense of arrival and also help reduce traffic speed too.
  • Bigger signs indicating where the prom is one way! (including bikes).
  • There is already a proliferation of signs in the town and care needs to be taken with more signage.
  • Having a street sign for Harrington Ave Harrington Ave has not had a street sign for 30 years.
  • I am apprehensive about too much signage
  • Right turn arrow on the road surface at the bottom of Hoyle Rd.


  • Make things cheaper
  • This is not a priority area at all with restricted funds

Accessibility for all

  • Better disabled access at Manor Road, have to get off at Hoylake to get buggy across the line.
  • Cobbled paving although nice in theory and visually pleasant is difficult for prams/wheelchairs/walking aids etc.
  • Access ramps on all doorways – please REALLY, REALLY look at / try all the entrances – and then look inside, too!
  • The pavements and slopes from road to pavement need to be carried right through Hoylake to make it easier for prams & wheelchairs.
  • The surface of the prom is weathered and dangerous. A smooth surface would be ideal for all to enjoy, including young and old on skates.


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