We are pleased to invite you to a meeting of the whole Community Planning forum at 7pm on 8th May 2017 at St Luke’s Methodist Church, Market Street, Hoylake.
We would also like to bring to your attention this new website and a new Twitter page at https://twitter.com/hoylakevision
Each of our forthcoming forum meetings will address priorities for the next iteration of the NDP which will run from 2020-2025, some of which are proposed on this new website. The first of these will focus on the evening and night time economy.
Relevant pages on this website are http://hoylakevision.org.uk/the-hoylake-plan/2020-2025/night-time-economy/ and http://hoylakevision.org.uk/the-hoylake-plan/2020-2025/children-young-people-copy/
We will be adding functionality and content to the website in the coming months. Presently there is no requirement for you to register with the website in order to access content.
You are invited to look at these outline proposals, to comment, and propose areas of concern or interest that you would like to see incorporated into the 2020 plan. Please email us at forum@hoylakevision.org.uk or come to the forum meeting and have your say!
The new website also includes revised plans for the old Presbyterian Church in Alderley Road, with our informal pre-submission response, and plans for the Old Lifeboat Station.
Finally you will find records of meetings under the ‘About Hoylake Vision’ tab. An agenda will also be published before the meeting.
We are very much in need of new Management Group members. Anyone with an interest or expertise in any of the proposed priority areas for the 2020-2025 NDP is especially welcome, but we would also invite expressions of interest from anyone interested in helping with more general work, for example minuting meetings, survey analysis, and helping maintain the website. Full training will be provided.
The Hoylake Vision Management Group