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Management Group Meeting Minutes 28.02.18

Management Group Meeting Minutes 28.02.18
March 2, 2017 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Hoylake Parade Community Centre on 28.02.18.


Attendees: Mark Howard (MH); Julian Priest (JP); Richard Stowe (RS); Stewart Lowther (SL); Michael Coates (MC); Nigel Blacow (NB) (guest)

Members not in attendance

Members not in attendance: Chris Moore (CM), Alex Woods (AW); Peter Edwards (PE) (Chair)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and seconded.


  1. New Hoylake Vision Chair Mark Howard was duly elected.
  2. New Management Group member Michael Coates was duly elected.
  3. A new Schedule of Management Group meetings was agreed, to be held on the second Tuesday of every month. These may be replaced by Forum Meetings or Public Meetings from time to time.
  4. A date for the AGM was agreed for 8th May 2018. Actions:
    1. MH will try to secure Town Hall Chambers as the venue.
  5. CM has indicated his wish to step down from Secretary and Treasurer duties. MC agreed to take on the Treasurer role, with JP and SL as additional account signatories. Actions:
    1. MH will facilitate the handover between CM and MC.
  6. There was a conversation about the forthcoming more stringent EU GDPR rules on data handling: NB agreed to take on the role of Data Protection Officer and Membership Secretary. Actions:
    1. MH will liaise with NB to hand over that responsibility, including handing over control of and access to  website database information.
    2. In the meantime, MH will continue to seek legal advice over GDPR and liaise with SL and NB over forum membership consent renewals
    3. MH will send to WMBC the requested membership list including postcodes for the purposes of redesignation of the forum on the understanding that WMBC have confirmed in writing that there are no Data Protection issues with handing such information across.
    4. MH will send out an e-newsletter to all forum members (140 to date) inviting them to confirm membership, and consent to our holding membership information (name, email address, physical address and postcode and any other information submitted for the purposes of forum membership).  Explicit consent for continued membership and data holding will be required for membership to continue, and an option to rescind membership and remove all related data will be offered, in order to satisfy GDPR requirements.
    5. The Data Protection and Membership Secretary will then be responsible for future data handling and monitoring on behalf of the forum.
  7. There was a conversation about improving efficiency of public communications with the forum. Actions:
    1. Two new email addresses will be created (MH to initiate):
      1. will forward to JP, who deals with planning questions and will liaiase withe the council
      2. will forward to NB who will deal with membership issues
  8. There was a conversation about procedures for the handling of the Alderley Road Presbyterian Church application.
    1. As agreed at the public meeting in early February at Hope Church, RS will create a checklist for Planning Officers to complete when addressing any planning application within the NDP area. He will request that this becomes a statutory part of the process in relation to any pertinent NDP Objectives, Priorities or Policies.
  9. There was a conversation about Public Rights of Way in the NDP area
    1. RS will investigate, research and present to the next meeting options for promoting and organising a Public Walk to explore Public Rights of Way in the NDP area with a view to possible Asset of Community Value Designation for some routes.
  10. There was a conversation about beach management and NDP objectives, priorities and policies in relation to the beach and the promenade.
    1. MC will investigate, research and present to the next meeting options for promoting and organising a Public Walk to include a beach cleanup which will include a conversation about beach management and issues relating to NDP Objectives, Priorities and Policies relating to the Promenade. Whilst the NDP area does not include the beach, the setting of the beach in relation to the NDP boundary cannot be ignored and the issues surrounding ongoing beach management require an informed conversation in which data gathering, activity options and impact must be properly and fully considered.


No other matters were discussed.


No announcements were made

Approved by the Chair in absence and on behalf of the Secretary on 02.03.18