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Management Group Meeting Minutes 05.06.17

Management Group Meeting Minutes 05.06.17
June 5, 2017 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Peter Edwards Law, Hoylake on 05.06.17.


Attendees: Peter Edwards (PE) (Chair); Chris Moore (CM) (Secretary); Mark Howard (MH); Julian Priest (JP); Richard Stowe (RS); Alex Woods (AW)

Members not in attendance

Stewart Lowther (SL)

Invited guest not in attendance:

George Roberts (GR)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and seconded.


  1. Constitution: A meeting between MH + CM & John Entwistle had taken place; the constitution is now ready to present to the wider forum
    1. Review of the last public meeting: It was hoped that George Roberts would come to the meeting but he was unfortunately absent, with no reasons given. MH was keen to encourage GR to become involved and possibly join the Management Group; he explained that GR was especially keen on night time economy issues and getting younger people involved. GR currently works as a Supply Teacher; wants to get involved; and felt the way to do this was by presenting in a new formats to engage a wider range of people. He was clearly frustrated and wanted to better understand how and why the bars have closed. in his presentation he had cited key issues: Hoylake having more restrictive licensing hours compared to other adjacent towns, and no licenses beyond midnight; and had asked what are HV doing about this? OXJAM started in Hoylake, had to move to WK because the bars closed. Hoylake has a policy that you are not allowed to drink outside bars after 9pm; accessibility to public transport for dispersal; complaints about kids/youngsters ASB including on the prom, yet it was noted that HSC has a license to 2am.
    2. CM responded that HV are not a delivery group, HV is a planning group. MH responded that the survey results in the NTE were inconclusive and therefore issues warranted further investigation and a broader public conversation. Action:
      1. MH to invite GR to joint the management group and develop the NTE and youth element as body of work of the NDP. It was noted that if GR does not pick up and run with this do we have a replacement with time and energy to take this issue forwards.
  2. Lifeboat station planning application: The proposed use of uPVC for windows was a cause of concern; there is a strong preference for timber or powder coated aluminium framing when replacement windows are installed in historic buildings. There was a concern that there are no indications in the application for lux levels for the proposed illuminated sign. Action:
    1. JP to make representation to WMBC.
  3. St Lukes Tennis Court planning application: JP noted that the application was been deemed invalid due to site ownership boundary being incorrect. Action:
    1. JP to make representation to WMBC.
  4. Grosvenor Road planning application: JP reported on this application to increase height of an existing apartment building by one storey. It was considered by the Management Group that the proposals were not in clear conflict with any policies in the NDP and as such the forum could raise no objections. It was clearly a sensitive application and some nearby residents were objecting strongly. Some had asked the forum to help. The point was made that the forum are not in a position to represent individual or group campaigns; this was the role of elected members. As such Councillor Ellis was representing the objectors. The forum would nevertheless seek advice in respect of the weight of NDP Objectives and Priorities to see if a supporting case could be made; this seemed unlikely. Action:
    1. MH and JP to seek advice from Philip Barton and make a submission if there is a case to be made.
  5. Ederly Care provision: Alex was unable to attend and will be asked to update at the next meeting
  6. Financial Report: There is £2,122 in Bank Account; a concern was raised about the lack of income stream; however there is currently very low expenditure. The need to anticipate paying for someone like Phillip Barton in future should be considered now; the Localism Act does offer us the chance to apply for specific funds for technical support packages; We could apply for money to fund a new survey and get it into 5000 households; perhaps ask for support from community groups; run events to raise money? What other funds are there available” Action:
    1. MH to investigate whether DONG Energy might fund printing and distribution of a survey?
  7. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): RS noted that in areas with an NDP, 25% should go to the Neighbour Forum; S106 gets 15%. Action:
    1. JP to ask WMBC the question about S106 and Tennis Court Scheme
  8. Golf Resort: It is now time to put pressure on WMBC to release more information as HV do not have enough to make any judgements or measure against. After purdah Magaret Greenwood has said Steve Rotheram may be interested to meet and discuss the Eco-Golf Resort; if it includes 150 houses we measure it against the plan. Action:
    1. MH to invite a council officer to come and talk to HV about progress.
  9. Wirral Core Strategy: This has been delayed until 2019; there will be 12-week period of consultation likely end of June.
  10. Scottish Power: RS noted that New apprenticeships are being run from Glasgow; the possible relocation of Scottish Power out of Hoylake was reported in Liverpool Uni’s assessment at an early stage of NDP development; nevertheless was this fake news? What hard evidence that Scottish Power are likely to relocate? MH commented that the scenario should nevertheless be consider it as a possibility and continue with Carr Lane conversations. A meeting with Carr Lane residents would be necessary as a first step.
  11. Liaison with Developers: A conversation took place about the remit of the Management Group. It was agreed that we should be having discussions with Steve Roberts and other local landowners/landlords and developers, including at pre-application stages. Nevertheless more clarity is needed about the procedures engagement with these people and then with forum members. It was agreed that the group should produce a paper on how we engage. This will make the NDP more relevant to the members of the public and potential applicants; we should be looking to steer applicants in the direction that the next iteration of the NDP is going and to raise awareness of the objectives, priorities and policies in the NDP.
  12. Beacon Project: MH reported on a very successful open day where there were over 200 attendees during the day. Architects Falconer Chester Hall have revisited the design in the light of the event. It was hoped the project would be ready to go forward to a planning application in next 3 to 4 weeks. There had been a pre-app meeting with Joanne Storey from WMBC. The Steegin Groups public consultation had been extensive and successful, with over 600 responses to the online survey; a few negative comments about parking were the only notable potential objections.
  13. Neighbourhood Development Order: MH pointed out that HV could enact their own NDOs in principle – though practically it would be complex and needed a good deal of further consideration. By way of example, a NDO can be used for ideas: so shopfront design guide could be enacted as an NDO [Cockermouth was cited as an example].


  1. On the issue of street banners on railings, CM reported that David Ball (DB) at WMBC had responded that there were only 1.5 enforcement staff across the whole of WMBC; CM had already complained about this via Streetscene in his Conservation Area Secretary role. DB had confirmed that it is deemed illegal; effectively the same as fly-posting. DB had agree to make Hoylake & Meols Drive a test case for an education campaign and enforcement; he does now have some money to boost his enforcement team.
  2. Next public meeting theme and date: Banners and Shopfront Design as an education; 7pm Thursday 6th July; at Hope Church, Wirral.
  3. Next Meeting of the Management Group: after the public meeting, in 2 months time, date to be decided.


No announcements were made

Approved by the Chair in absence and on behalf of the Secretary on 08.06.17