Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Arthur’s Restaurant on 11.10.23.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MHo), Tom Hutchinson (TH), Jon Caswell (JC), Andrew Snell (AS)
Members not in attendance
Jon Morgan (JM), Alex Woods (AW), Nigel Blacow (NB), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jade Wright (JW)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the September meeting were approved.
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Debrief and review of AGM
The Open Day was considered a success albeit there had been some disruptive interruptions in the audience at the AGM, all questions were answered. David Burke of Hylgar had been in attendance and given an update on progress of the Beacon Scheme. He was in contact with the government about the impact of COVID on the over-run of the budget and the financial implications. He was of the belief that a positive move forward would be announced soon. A record of the meeting had been drafted based on notes and the video recording. The management group would review and approve asap. - Re-designation delay and our response
MH reported that although the forum redesignation had been submitted on time and in accordance with the requirements, the council are yet to initiate their own formal statutory consultation period. A decision on which committee would be responsible for the redesignation approval is yet to be made. Forward Planning Officer John Entwhistle will be recommending redesignation as the council do not have grounds to refuse.
- Local Plan Representation update
TH had attended three of the hearing sessions and spoken on behalf of the forum in relation to heritage impacts of development as well as securing more positive policies for the Carr Lane opportunity area. MH would be making a representation on Priority 5.51.8 and Policy 6.2 in reference to Carr Lane, in late October; TH would accompany him.
- Ellerman Lines site and council response
There had been no response from the council to the potential sale of this strategically important site. This is disappointing but it is difficult to see why a private investor would purchase this Greenbelt land at this time.
- Meeting with local adviser to discuss public meeting strategy
MH had met with a local resident public speaker and retired businessman to discuss how the forum can respond in future to hostile and disruptive interruptions at AGMs and public meetings. The person had offered to meet with the rest of the group to offer his perspective.
- Invitation for Cllr Max Booth to attend next meeting
It was agreed that MH would contact Max Booth and invite him to a future meeting. We need a more constructive dialogue with Ward members.
- Meeting with Head of Law
MH and TH had secured a meeting with the council’s Head of Law on 12.10.23 to discuss how a more positive dialogue with Ward Councillors could be achieved; this would be reported back at the next meeting.
- Conservation Area Appraisal update
TH reported that the CA Appraisal was progressing very well. Consultants Donald Insall Associates had been very helpful and the council were very receptive to proposals for a new Management Plan and extending the CA boundary.
- Sports Village updates
AS had been making good progress and would be visiting the Glagow GoGolf venue soon. Public support was evident and there was strong support from local sports organisations.
- Social Media update
TH reported that social media had become more balanced and that the Facebook page was acquiring new followers at a consistent rate. This will become an important channel for correcting misinformation as we move towards development of the new NDP.
- PR plan
JC had not had an opportunity to work with JW on this. He would get a one page summary to the next management Group meeting.
- Schools and public engagement ideas
AW had been unable to attend the meeting; this item was postponed for discussion at the next meeting.
- No AOB was raised
Provisional date of next meeting Weds 8 November 2023