Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Monte Carlo Restaurant on 09.12.21.
Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Jon Caswell (JC), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM), Alex Woods (AW),
Members not in attendance
Jade Wright (JW), Julian Priest (JP), Bryony Parsons (BP)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the November meeting were approved.
Management Group Meeting Reports
- AECOM Design Guide progress
The first complete draft of the Design Guide had been circulated and comments received from NB and JP. There were a number of errors in captions and some of the language needed changing to emphasise this is a consultation document produced by AECOM. MHo would enter corrections and recirculate, and meet with Chris Moore of the CA. It was decided to retain the promenade visualisation that AECOM had produced within the Guide as in context it could be helpful for people wanting to input their own ideas. - Planning applications of note (NDP reference attached for items 1-3)
- APP/21/01630 | Application for planning permission on a retrospective basis for the erection of a marquee. | The Ship Inn, MARKET STREET, HOYLAKE, CH47 3BB
- APP/21/01861 | Application for variation of Condition 3 on planning permission (APP/20/01924) to extend opening hours of bistro from 08:00 to 20:30, Monday to Sunday to 08:00 to 22:00, every day and to allow staff access outside these times. | 6 MARKET STREET, HOYLAKE, CH47 2AE
- COMX/21/01327 | Change of use of Betting Office to a Coffee Shop (Class A3), providing hot/cold beverages, sandwiches, salads and cakes with a small variety of baby/sensory toys available for play and purchase. | 90C MARKET STREET, HOYLAKE, CH47 3BD
- APP/21/01977 | Demolition of existing building and erection of a residential apartment building (Use Class C3a) with associated access, parking and landscaping. | The White House, 34 MEOLS DRIVE, HOYLAKE, CH47 4AN
MHo had drafted and circulated a draft ‘supporting’ response to item (1) which was approved and would be submitted. In JPs absence items (2) and (3) were unavailable for review. MHo is yet to meet with Chris Moore to discuss item (4).
- Carr Lane Consultation
MHo would circulate the revised survey that would be circulated to Carr Lane residents and businesses (changing the front page to inlcude instructions on when the forms would be collected; the rest of the survey would remain exactly the same as previously distributed in 2020). The PLACED portal would be re-opened end of Jan 2022 for a period of circa six weeks at a cost of £375. They would not make any changes to the website and would not conduct any analysis. This was approved. A newsletter would inform the wider community that the portal was open again so those who had missed it first time could input. AW would analyse new results. - Broader consultation; next steps
- Local media coverage in Messenger, Lake etc
JC is drafting the next PR which will go out w/c December 13 2021. This will focus on the role of Hoylake Vision and the example of promenade remodelling consultation. - Target dates for AGM Spring 2022
AW would enquire with St Luke’s Church about hosting two open days followed by the AGM, noting any further pandemic developments may impact. MHo circulated a high level estimate of costs for next phases of consultation including reopening the portal, printed leaflets, surveys, booklets, display panels, noticeboards and hall hire for the open days. A budget of circa £2,000 was approved. MHo would submit a funding application to Locality.
- Local media coverage in Messenger, Lake etc
Date of next meeting 13 January 2021