Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held via Zoom on 08.12.20.
Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM)
Members not in attendance
Julian Priest (JP), Vicky Ponsonby (VP), Andrew Lawton (AL), Alex Woods (AW), Jon Caswell (JC)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the last meeting were approved
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Catch up on any current major planning applications.
- The Ellerman Lines planning application OUT/20/01414 was discussed. This is an application for the erection of up to 61 assisted living apartments and up to 30 care bungalows and associated infrastructure works. MHo had written to David Ball (DB) to complain that the forum had not been consulted on this application, which had been submitted on 01.10.20, and time was now too tight to prepare a meaningful response. DB had ‘moved on’ from the Planning department and he forwarded the email to Matthew Parry-Davies, but no further response had been received from him. Although it seems likely the application will be rejected (it is on Greenbelt and there is precedent for applications on this site being refused, including at appeal), it was decided to research what existing provision for sheltered accommodation already exists in Hoylake since the developer’s claim that there is evidence of need does not align with our own existing data and anecdotal evidence. The view of the forum is that piece of land is strategically very important and should be considered holistically as part of any landscape renewal and/or reconfiguration of the Carr Lane area more generally, rather than for infill development. Its position on the ‘other side of the tracks’ mean that emergency services would be unable to access the site for 20 minutes of every hour during the day when the rail barrier is down. As such the group feel that the creation of sheltered accommodation and assisted living units would be completely inappropriate on this site. It is likely the application will go to appeal if it is rejected and if this happens any evidence we can put forward in support of our own representation will carry weight. MHa to lead on this research and liaise with JP.
- In JPs absence an update on the 37 Stanley Road application APP/20/01047 was not available however MHo had been exploring further options for citing the emerging design code and masterplan work in support of any further objection should the application be rejected and go to appeal. It is unlikely to carry much, if any, weight at this early stage but once the design code is open to public consultation it would begin to carry weight.
- Update on Hoylake beach/drains/geomorphological survey. MHo reported that the council had agreed to undertake full geomorphological and ecological surveys on the beach at the council’s Environment Committee meeting on 3 December 2020. This would be put out to tender in early 2021. NB reported that no further correspondence had been received regarding drainage problems. MHo had suggested to WMBC at the Environment Committee meeting that surface drainage channels across the promenade footpath and road surface might provide a cheaper mechanism for draining surface water than replacing or rerouting the subsurface drains that are no longer fit for purpose since the sand levels are above most of them. Council Officers agreed to investigate this option.
- Update on the consultation/survey and analysis by PLACED.
The consultation had ended on 23 October with a moderately good response. Results will be of great value for creating objectives, priorities and policies in the new NDP. PLACED are analysing the results and will distribute this in the form of a document in the New Year. We will need to run a street-based consultation in Carr Lane as soon as circumstances allow. - AECOM Design Code and Masterplanning.
MHo reported that work was ongoing. The ‘framework’ for the Masterplan had been circulated and responses were awaited. The Design Code was being ‘paused’ so that the master planning work should take precedent because it would inform the design code work, and this would also be informed by the Consultation results. A Zoom meeting would be held with Nick Beedie of AECOM on Tuesday 15th December 2020 to update the management group on progress: MHo would distribute the invitation. - Vision banking.
MHo had received information from CM regarding Co-op bank’s requirements and would distribute this shortly. JM and AL would be able to take it forward from there. - Planning for 2021 and beyond.
MHo had distributed a high-level concept ‘foreword’ for the masterplan and NDP which focused on how COVID might present positive opportunities for a different, more economically and environmentally sustainable high street once the pandemic has passed, largely driven by the increase in ‘home working’. It was generally agreed that the NDP should emphasise this. A High Street that serves the local community but also includes destination businesses, whatever their nature, combined with a natural environment that draws in visitors, seems to be the best way to make that happen and the consultation results strongly support this view. - AOB None
Date of next meeting 12 January 2021