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Management Group Meeting minutes 08.06.22

Management Group Meeting minutes 08.06.22
June 30, 2022 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Monte Carlo Restaurant on 08.06.22.


Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Jon Caswell (Jon C), Mark Howard (MHo), Jon Morgan (Jon M), Alex Woods (AW), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Tom Hutchinson (TH) (Guest), John Entwhistle (JE): (Guest; WMBC Principal Forward Planning Officer – Regeneration and Place), Keith Keeley (KK): (Guest; WMBC Head of Regeneration Strategy).

Members not in attendance

Jade Wright (JW), Bryony Parsons (BP)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the May meeting were approved.

Management Group Meeting Reports

  • Welcome to guests
    The group welcomed local resident Tom Hutchinson (TH), John Entwhistle (JE) (WMBC Principal Forward Planning Officer – Regeneration and Place) and Keith Keeley (KK) (WMBC Head of Regeneration Strategy).
    TH is a local resident who is a Town Planner with lifelong experience working for Local Authorities at a senior level before starting his own business as a consultant. He has been very interested in the work of Hoylake Vision since 2016, has met with the Management Group previously, and has now offered his services to assist in monitoring of planning applications, how the NDP is applied by council officers and decision makers, and more generally the development of the next iteration of the NDP. He explained the areas in which he will be able to support the forum and this was welcomed. He will be able to continue the work undertaken by Julian Priest who stepped down from this forum role in January. TH was duly appointed as a member of the Management Group.
    JE was welcomed and gave a brief update of Council’s support for the Management Group and the Hoylake NDP making process and uregd the forum to respond to the Council’s Local Plan. He introduced KK who gave an update on the Council’s priority work in the much needed regeneration of Birkenhead. MHo asked for clarity on when the Hoylake Masterplan would be acknowledged within the Local Plan; since consultation has already begun on this; will it gain weight over time in the same way the NDP gains weight over time, before referendum. KK confirmed that this is the case; the Masterplan will become part of the Local Plan as it will be embedded within the NDP. Other aspects of the Local Plan, and the emerging Hoylake Masterplan and Design Codes were discussed at some length, most notably the Council’s commitment to use only brownfield sites for new development in order to protect Greenbelt. The consequential pressure on urban contexts was noted as a potential flashpoint. TH expressed concern that the Local Plan could threaten Heritage areas and buildings in Hoylake, especially those outside of Conservation Areas. He agreed to meet with the Hoylake Conservation Areas Association and report back and to draft a response to the Local Plan. KK and JE were thanked for their input and left the meeting.
  • Record of AGM
    The draft record of the AGM held on 27/28 May was approved.
  • Dates for July workshops
    As there is no availability left for PLACED to run this event, and funding is not yet guaranteed, it was agreed to move this to September. AW would liaise with St Luke’s Church to pencil in a date (probably 17th or 24th). MHo would liaiase with PLACED and confirm asap.
  • Ideas for next public meeting
    Ideas for this were invited and the group would bring suggestions to the next meeting
  • Suggestions for additional management group members and possible new meeting venue (accessibility an issue for Philip Barton)
    The number of management group members is capped at 12, so we still have three more positions vacant. It was agreed to continue conversations with those who had expressed recent interest in joining the management group; clarity was needed for them on what was entailed and the limits of our remit, most notably in regard to the beach and promenade. MHo and AW would progress these conversations.
  • AOB
    • The next meeting was agreed for 13 July. Our Planning Adviser Philip Barton will be in attendance. JonM would arrange access to Bank Café with proprietor Tom Hunter who is supportive of our work.
    • AW and Jon C would meet to discuss ideas and options for engagement strategy, notably with younger people. AW, Jon C and MHo would liaise and report back to the next meeting.

Date of next meeting Weds 13 July 2022