Affordable homes and mix of residents
- We already have enough affordable homes in the village.
- No more multi-occupation large buildings.
- Whilst I agree with the sentiment of the above, there is a fine line to be drawn , if hoylake is to avoid the influence of undesirables and become yet another Scouse enclave for drug abuse and anti-social behaviour, prevailing, so prominently, in many
- Hoylake doesnt need any more residential/elderly/vulnerable housing projects. There are more than you can shake a stick at. Hoylake has a good mix of housing already maintaining this mix is important to the unique Hoylake character.
- Especially , homes are very expensive. Its can be more cheap
- Relocate the sheltered housing (not for the aged) to Timbuctoo or further
- Hoylake is becoming a bed sit town and as a result is ending up with lightweight residents who have no interest in the long term future of Hoylake
- Over populating Hoylake is not the answer to solving problems
- I would agree to 8a as long as they are allocated to Hoylake people.
- If you have too many low budget flats in an area you change the character of the whole town & encourage transient residents.
- No more flats Family housing needed with car parking & own outdoor space.
- More homes for young families
- Affordable homes for younger people would be good
- Im currently looking to move out around the area – rental prices at the moment seem to be pretty expensive – this discourages any young adults to be able to afford prices.
- More needs to be done to attract young families.
- Hoylake needs affordable family homes. Landlords are charging high rents because there isnt any new property for rent or purchase and young people have to move further away.
- Whilst I recognise there is a problem with house prices nationally, there could be a risk of attracting the wrong kind of resident to Hoylake if there were a lot of low cost homes
- We dont want to live in new developments, would just like to see overvalued homes in the area come down in price.
- Need places for younger people to live near family. affordable flats for the young.
- There is already an abundance of starter homes, there does not appear to be a real demand for this type of housing, it should not be an issue, especially now with the new government incentive of 95% mortgages for first time buyers.
- Affordable homes is often a con used by developers to secure planning permission. Only 10 percent of proposed affordable housing remains so after completion of the building project. Real affordable housing would be a benefit. Ugly Wimpy home estates at hi
- No more retirement flats to be built.
- Start looking at the residents of Hoylake (especially Carr Lane) who are bringing the community down with the anti social behaiour.
- Business expansion needs people/people who work need somewhere to live/get on property ladder.
- Property prices are too high in Hoylake, more flat & houses need to be available for first time buyers & affordable rent for young people 20-25.
- Need to encourage more families, as well as younger people to move to Hoylake with affordable housing (first time buyers)
- There is a shortage of suitable homes for young families. Main development seems to be largely for old peoples homes!
- This depends on type of use. We need to encourage young families to balance retirement homes/flats
- No more retirement flats or apartments either.
- Affordable homes for young/older is essential
- Small family homes would bring wider age groups. Residential flats for young business people rather then retirement flats (we have enough of those)
- I hate the misuse of the word affordable to mean cheaper. All houses are affordable to someone. You could argue that Hoylake will be better-off with more residents with money to spend.
- LESS RETIREMENT HOMES. Seriously, all Hoylake is right now is a retirement village, its depressing.
- Do we need any more places for older people as the ones here are not full.?
- Hoylake is a tight close nit community, but they generally approve and welcome new ideas for encouraging families to move to the area and then becoming part of the family.
- Help for first time buyers!
- All the above are a must. There is not enough accomodation – at the right price – for the younger generation.
- For Hoylake to prosper, I think it needs to be a more upmarket destination. We should discourage the people that frequent the Punch Bowl and that thug that owns the tattoo shop from being in Hoylake.
- there should be no more elderly persons flats built as there are more than enough of these already.
- With the introduction of lower price homes in the area it may attract the wrng type of people. I know this probably sounds snobby but its nice to keep a certain standard of living here altho hopefully the housing market will help first time buyers to area
- More affordable housing no more retirement flats there are enough already
- Some affordable homes are needed but there are plans for 3 new large affordable homes developments already. I dont think flooding Hoylake with affordable homes will help improve the quality of life for its residents or attract visitors to the area.
- Less social housing.
- affordable houses to buy but not over the railway, and no more retirement housing.
- Seek a balanced community mix – most vibrancy will come from families and their needs
- On a national scale Hoylake has a stock of low cost property in place. As you note the empty upper floors are a wasted opportunity to bring life into the centre.
- We have to ensure that the affordable homes are targetted at those who are current residents
- i would not like to see alot of new build in hoylake as it would loose its character. If the school only accepted children from hoylake, due to the profile of the school this would make the area more desirable to move to eg like st bridgets in west kirby
- Hoylake is seen as an expensive area to live for families. Low cost housing is important to bring families to the area.
- It is unlikely that new low-cost housing would remain affordable if Hoylake flourished.
- Whilst im not against affordable homes is there really space in hoylake for development it already packs in its residents!
- No more flats
- Less nursing homes and no DSS
Number and location of New Homes
- Investigate the building of key areas of land for housing e.g. no flats near Home Bargain, or flats built by school & Manor Rd Station.
- There are already plenty of flats
- NB Usually no room for cars off road in many developements Keep land free & as open, maintained land.
- Some of the small shops could be converted into houses.
- We do not have any reservations about renovating existing properties, but do not want any precious land used by unscroupulous developers.
- Vacant land can be used for developments which will improve Hoylake ie – cinema, swimming baths, skate park etc. I think there is enough residential property
- Empty spaces are of no use to anyone. Adopting a flexible approach is the only way empty space will be filled – more occupation – more people – more revenue.
- Where retail use may prove no longer viable – eg premises at the periphery of the linear shopping centre – total, attarctive, conversion to residential use should be considered, rather than leaving empty shops as a visible sign of decline.
- There are simply too many shops. Sections of shopfront should be changed into alternative uses- possibly housing or open space.
- lets utilise the empty properties instead of leaving unsightly empty shells
- Any new builds should be balance with green spaces. There are not many green spaces left in Hoylake now since developers cram homes onto small plots to maximize profit.
- It depends what area you are thinking of building on Carr Lane would be a good sight
- encourage the reuse of vacant land yes, no to larger dwellings into residential development
- Development opportunities ate limited as no real land supply unless move into green belt. Making use of vacant upperfloors to give opportunity for influx of residents to live and invest in the town.
- keep the listed ones listed, no more selling out to property developers, no more retirement homes, we have enough.
- Upper floors in Market Street should be encouraged to be office space to lessen complaints of noise from the nightlife.
- There is a plethora housing in Hoylake and in some parts feels quite crowded.
- Where are you going to put it. We need all of the above but Hoylake is landlocked by railway on one side sea on the other Green belt up to Morton. Once again its more access across the railway lane develop land on other side
- Too many vacant properites
- More housing near to the front – improved housing.
- I dont know if we need anymore houses in Hoylake. I dont agree with building on the side gardens of existing houses. Any industrial buildings in residential areas could be changed to residential.
- More homes needed for young professionals, to boost spend in Hoylake and use of local services. Need more high quality apartments. Consider redeveloping homes at the back of Carr Lane Industrial Estate, perhaps for industrial/commercial, with new home
- Many floors above shops are already flats arent they?
- but where would they be built, due to lack of land. Unless you use green belt
- Redevelopment of the existing vacant and over shop accommodation would more likely maintain affordable housing.
- The only real areas for development are the Carr Lane side of the railway line. This should be done through reallignment of existing housing, developing some new social and private housing. It should b e done in such a way that does not reduce the area A
- We do have to be careful of development, as one of the things that makes Hoylake – Hoylake, is the views and the size of the majority of the buildings. But I would like to be able to live there,the careful use of dead space would be great.
- The redevelopment of Hoose Court needs to be carefully considered. Not simply a taller replacement for the block that Wirral Partnership Homes demolished. That is just lazy thinking on the part of WPHs Architect. The redevelopment of thta soite could mak
- Where is there any land for new buildings in Hoylake?
- Instead of building new properties why not rejuvenate some of the older buildings and houses.
- By all means make good use of existing residential property by improving it but I would say Hoy
- Feel that replacing older buildings such as the Stanley Hotel with Gestapo like residences totally unsuited to the area is not helpful.
- Keep the standards high – design and maintenance, in keeping with surrounding period property.
- Hoylake already has a large mix of housing types.
- The proposed high rise development on Hoose Court should not go ahead it would be an eyesore
- Im against demolition of larger dwellings which are very attractive (eg Meols Drive)
- Any new buildings should be built no higher than any other building already up in Hoylake i.e. new WPH for new Hoose Court plot.
- We need to preserve our open spaces and instead invest in improving the existing properties.
- Hoose Court Development should follow the same as St Johns Close in Meols adn not another prison block for all ages.
- At least make sure no more of these monstrosities are built, I have seen too many beautiful old houses and buildings being torn down for this.
- Greater efforts need to be made to protect the conservation area against the intrusion of large firms who build ugly buildings.
- Would like to mantain the character of Hoylake and mantain older properties rather than demolish them and cram in new ones!
- Just make sure any new builds follow a theme We have lots of ugly blocks of flats
- Any residential deveopment should be sympatheic architecturally and not put strain on the local infrastructure. This area is well developed already and one of the attractions is its stability.
- It should be harder to convert the large Victorian villas into low quality multiple occupancy units. Alleyway systems should be celebrated & improved
- Developments must improve the overall quality of the town. Building in gardens, demolishing character properties and replacing with apartment blocks must be resisted.
- Traffic through Hoylake is already continuous and all the back streets are full of parked cars. There is no room to increase the number of dwellings/residents.
- we do not have the room in our schools
- Increased residential use brings problems of increased car numbers.
- We dont have the infastructure for more houses. e.g.Holy Trinity Primary Sch. is already overflowing not enough park and play areas for older children.
- Hoylake is already overcrowded with homes, flats and people with cars filling many roads creating driving hazards.
- A place to park one car outside place of residence. Parking is a huge issue
- Vacant land should not be used 8c What buildings are referred to here?
- Leave vacant land as green space.
- Parking places need to be provided as well so they dont clog up the parking bays in Market Street overnight as they do now.
- Our infrastucture is finding it hard to cope as it is.
- in increasing the number of homes we must ensure that the local primary school dodes not become over crowded. we also need to ensure that there is sufficient space for new/additional population within local local doctors/dentists etc
- Also the local school would struggle to accomodate anymore children if family homes were developed.
Miscellaneous (Housing)
- These are not questions with straightforward answers! Far to many connetations.
- The area is relatively quiet at present and we do not want to encourage noise.
- Should this not be left to the commercial sector?
- Not enough is made of promenade. It draws visitors and locals but is shabby and unappealing. Uneven damaged concrete all along it. Needs an identifying path such as a yellow brick road to link to Wirral coastal walk. This could be a major attraction. Co
- No as per comments I have made
- Continue good start with Wirrals free loft and cavity wall insulation?
- Make landlords take responsibility for their property and tenants ie. outside appearance clean and tidy
- Keep up the great work!
- If not retail then why not encourage more locals
- encouraging more shops and store no more bars or restaurants Hoylake has been destroyed by bars restaurants and night life and offices bring back shops and stores
- I didnt think there was any land to develop in Hoylake? If there was any land I would rather it kept for recreational use Hoylake feels a bit too crammed in already
- S K A T E P A R K ! ! ! ! !
- No
- bed and breakfasts or a seafront hotel or apartment building
- 8a – most buildings that become vacant get knocked down eg Stanley Hotel,Heaps, Priory, Ashmere Carehome, homes in Kings Gap where McCarthy & Stone now stand 8b – Think most flats are taken above shops 8c – Location of new estates
- skate park !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!