Representation by Hoylake Community Planning Forum to planning application no out/20/01414 Erection of up to 61 assisted living apartments and up to 30 care bungalows and associated infrastructure works
inJenni Ball The Planning Inspectorate 3P Temple Quay House 2 The Square Bristol BS1 6PN 06.04.21 Representation by Hoylake…
PLACED survey analysis published
LATEST NEWS oninResidents and businesses have their say on Hoylake’s future priorities OPTIONS for a town square, better connectivity and more recreational…
Online Workshop: The future of our Town Centre 13.10.20
inOn 13th October, PLACED delivered a workshop for 14 participants. The following is an analysis of the ideas gathered on…
The future of our town centre online consultation
LATEST NEWS oninJoin #PLACED for an online workshop to consider what the priorities should be for #Hoylake town centre! Tues 13th Oct,…
Planning Application APP/20/01047 Demolition of the existing building and erection of a 3 storey building comprising 9 apartments (Use Class C3) with associated basement parking, servicing, landscaping and infrastructure. Wirral Point, 37 STANLEY ROAD, HOYLAKE, CH47 1HN
inI write on behalf of Hoylake Neighbourhood Planning Forum to offer our response as a Statutory Consultee to…