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Management Group Meeting minutes 09.02.22

Management Group Meeting minutes 09.02.22
February 27, 2022 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Monte Carlo Restaurant on 09.02.22.


Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Jon Caswell (JC), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM), Bryony Parsons (BP), Alex Woods (AW), Chris Moore (CM) (Guest)

Members not in attendance

Jade Wright (JW)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the January meeting were approved.

Management Group Meeting Reports

  1. Julian Priest (JP) resignation
    JP had resigned from the management group due to his other considerable time commitments. The management group expressed universal appreciation for his valued input to the forum over the years, notably in respect of responses to planning applications but also more generally. His input will be missed; there is a need to find a suitable replacement with experience of planning, design, architecture or other related fields. All members of the group would ask their contacts.
  2. AECOM Design Guide sign off
    The Design Guide and Codes document was approved by all pending a few minor last minute changes suggested by CM in respect of the Conservation Area matters. MHo thanked the group for their help, most notably NB and CM. MHo would make the final changes and send it back to AECOM, who will in turn forward to Locality for final approval.
  3. Bank account
    NB and JM would research alternative banking provision. CM would transfer any remaining funds (currently £544) to the new account once set up. The Co-op account would then be closed down.
  4. Locality Funding and arrangements for next consultation stage and Open Days / AGM event
    MHo confirmed that the application to Locality for funding for further consultation had been successful, total £2,760. This will cover the agreed costs of printing surveys, introductory booklets, membership forms, website portal re-opening, display panels and other sundry items.
  5. Masterplan printing and distribution
    It was agreed to print a limited number of copies of the Masterplan and make them available in the public library, the Parade Community centre, and other venues around Hoylake. The costs of this would be covered within the forthcoming tranche of Locality funding
  6. Carr Lane consultation
    MHo was in the process of arranging a meeting with residents of Carr Lane to get an update on their priorities, while rallying support for distribution of the surveys and also to raise awareness of the aims and objectives of the forum. AW, NB, MHa and JC might be available to attend depening on the time and date. The survey would include a phone number which can be used to request collection of completed forms but online completion will be emphasised as a preference.
  7. AGM Planning
    AW had not had an opportunity to arrange the booking of a venue but would now do so. The  proposed dates are either 27/28 May or 10/11 June 2022.
  8. AOB
    It was agreed that the second Wednesday of the month would be the preferred date for future meetings.


Bryony Parsons and Jade Wright are expecting their babies within the coming months and so will likely not be attending the next few meetings. The Management group wished them and their families well.

Date of next meeting 9 March 2022