Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held via Zoom on 12.01.21.
Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Caswell (JC)
Members not in attendance
Julian Priest (JP), Vicky Ponsonby (VP), Jon Morgan (JM), Alex Woods (AW, Andrew Lawton (AL)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the last meeting were approved
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Update on AECOM Design Code and Masterplan work feedback
MHo reported that Vision Management Group members are invited to a bi-weekly meeting with AECOM to discuss and monitor progress, starting on Tuesday 19th Jan at 11am. MHo, NB, JC and MHa agreed to attend the first meeting. Due to delays with the consultation as a result of the pandemic, AECOM would be approaching LOCALITY to request an extension period to complete the work on the Masterplan, since the original deadline was to be 27th February. Design Code work is on hold pending completion of the Masterplanning work.
- Update on PLACED Consultation work feedback
MHo reported that the consultation analysis work by PLACED was almost complete and a final version would be ready for review at the next meeting, following which it would be made publicly available. JC suggested that we should be on the front foot with PR and we should use social media as well as other formats to promote the survey analysis once published. JC and MHo to discuss further. MHo would be contacting Locality to explore options for further funding to cover on the ground consultation across the Carr Lane Industrial and Residential areas following the poor response to the consultation there and the failure of the Wirral Globe to distribute surveys there. - Planning applications: 37 Stanley Road and Ellerman Lines
In JPs absence there was nothing substantive to review at this stage regarding these applications.- Chris Moore, Chair of the Hoylake Conservation Area, had contacted MHo to let him know that in relation to the 37 Stanley Road application a council officer had suggested to the Stanley Road campaigning group that the NDP had expired. This was in fact wrong on two counts: firstly the NDP remains extant until superceded by a new plan, albeit with the weight afforded to its objectives, priorities and policies in future planning decisions now reducing over time (nb the Council’s own Local Plan, which is long overdue); and secondly the forum itself is designated until 2023. This issue had been raised with the council and corrected. The issue of the emerging Hoylake Design Code had been raised by the Stanley Road group and the council officer concerned, and MHo had clarified that this will not be complete until the middle of this year. However it would then be subject to public consultation and immediately begin to gain weight in planning terms during that process.
- MHa had prepared some research into evidence of need for the Ellerman Lines application; initial findings indicated that it will be difficult to the developer to demonstrate this, along with the other significant challenges; the proposals being on Greenbelt and emergency access issues as a consequence of being cut off by the railway crossing for 20 minutes of every hour at peak times. MHa briefly provided some of the information from Wirral and the ONS on the suitability of the Carr Lane planning application looking at population forecast and local migration and housing need.
- Vision Banking update
MHo was to make available a collaborative Word Document to gather personal address and banking details of management group members as requested by the Co-op so that the process of signatory changes can be completed.
No other business
Date of next meeting 9 February 2021