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Wirral Local Plan – Development Options Review of land in the Green Belt

Wirral Local Plan – Development Options Review of land in the Green Belt
October 24, 2017 Jo0Lz

We have just received a notification letter from the local authority which reads as follows:

Following further consultation on the Borough’s housing needs and land supply, in
August and September 2016, the Council is undertaking a wider review of
development options as part of the preparation of the latest Local Plan for Wirral.
The Council has already consulted on the method that it will use to assess future
housing sites and is now consulting on the method that it will use to undertake an
initial review of land in the Green Belt.

The deadline for comments to be submitted is 5pm on Wednesday 6 December 2017.
Further information and a copy of the consultation documents can be viewed on the

Council’s website at

Wirral Core Strategy Local Plan – Development Options Review

Copies of the consultation documents can also be viewed at public libraries, during
their normal opening hours; and at the South Annexe of Wallasey Town Hall,
Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED, between 9.00am and 5.00pm on
Monday to Friday (but not on bank or public holidays or on 29 August 2017).
Further information can also be obtained from 0151 691 8110 or from

Yours faithfully
Andrew Fraser
Forward Planning Manager