The Hoylake Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum date has been announced as 1st December 2016.
Hoylake Vision urge all eligible voters to have their say in this important local referendum.
The referendum question will be: “Do you want Wirral Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Hoylake to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area ?”
You must be registered to vote by Tuesday, 15 November 2016 to vote in the referendum.
A full Informatiion Statement and Information for Voters Sheet is available here.
A “Yes” Campaign fundraising page has been established here.
The “Yes” campaign is funded entirely by private donations including a £500 supporting fund from Hoylake Village Life CIC, and is subject to rules on expenses for local referenda. For the purposes of the campaign, the address is Hoylake Vision “Yes” Campaign, The Parade, Hoylake Community Centre, Hoyle Road, Hoylake CH47 3AG.
A flier will be distributed shortly to all homes within the referendum area. Eligible voters (those aged 18 and over who are resident in Hoylake and on the electoral register) will also receive a polling card from Wirral Council.