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Planning Application APP/17/00183 – Hoylake Presbyterian Church, Alderley Road

Planning Application APP/17/00183 – Hoylake Presbyterian Church, Alderley Road
August 18, 2017 Jo0Lz

A new [second] planning application has been submitted for redevelopment of the Presbyterian Church on Alderley Road

[to the rear of the Sainsburys Local].

Our consultation response included the following comments:

In general, we take the view that submitted plans broadly accord with the Hoylake Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) with the exception of NDP Policy H2. This policy requires proposals for residential development to provide a mix of housing types, tenures and sizes reflective of local housing need.

To meet the requirements of NDP Policy H2, the Developer would need to provide proof that there is a significant local market for 1 bedroom flats without off street parking provision.

We also have several observations and reservations which we trust in your role as Planning Case Officer you will consider when reviewing this submission:

  • The lack of off street car parking provision within the scheme is a potentially serious issue for local residents who are already affected by traffic to the Sainsbury’s mini-store adjacent to the site.
  • It would be helpful to request that the Applicant/Agent provide more details of the boundary treatment to the rear of the site as the neighbours in adjacent dwellings in Market Street, Evans Road and Lake Place have previously expressed concern about the potential negative impact of the scheme on the amenity to the rear of their properties.
  • The scheme should include provision for secure cycle storage within the building and yet none is shown in the currently submitted documents
  • The scheme includes provision for the storage of refuse and recycling but gives no details of the form of construction of this enclosed area proposed which is directly on the boundary
  • It is not clear if the scheme includes much provision for accessibility or inclusive design, particularly as there is no lift provision shown. Building Regulations Approved Document M – “Access to and Use of Buildings – Volume 1 – Dwelling”; sets out 3 categories of accessibility, with M4(1) “Visitable Dwellings” being a minimum statutory requirement for all dwellings in a new development. Though a proportion of the new dwellings may also be required to comply with category M4(2) “Accessible and Adaptable Dwellings” and M4(3) “Wheelchair User Dwellings”. The required scale of provision to be included is something to be clarified by Wirral Council Development Control.
  • We would have liked to hear more about retention and incorporation of some of the fine original features. We understand, though, that retaining the key features of the building does pose difficulties and constraints. While Section 10 of the Design and Access Statement includes firm, full statements regarding heritage and list many period features such as stained glass windows, block flooring, columns with ornate capitals etc. it does not really confirm how those that are to be retained are incorporated and those that are not could be re-cycled.
  • We have concerns that during the period of the demolition and construction works the required access to the site for plant and equipment delivery vehicles, and those of construction staff could add to the chaos that frequently plagues that end of Alderley Road. The inclusion of a Construction and Environmental Method Statement as part of the Planning Submission we regard as essential.