Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Jon Morgan’s house on 18.01.23.
Attendees: Tom Hutchinson (TH), Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM)
Members not in attendance
Jade Wright (JW), Caswell (Jon C), Alex Woods (AW)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the December meeting were approved.
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Proposed management group addition: Andrew Snell / Investment and Local Authority liaison
Hoylake resident Andrew Snell (AS) had expressed an interest in joining the management group of the forum. He has previous experience of working with the Local Authority on inward investment projects and has a particular interest in using the Hoylake NDP as a mechanism for attracting investment. It was agreed to invite him to join the management group. Action: MHo to liaiase with AS and invite to arrange meeting with TH and subsequently invite AS to attend next management group meeting
- APP/22/01127 To demolish existing building and structures and erect 15no dwellings, comprising 12no. houses and 3no. apartments with access, landscaping and ancillary works at 8 Melrose Avenue, Hoylake
This application is still open on the Wirral Council Planning pages. It had been indicated to TH that the Case Officer was minded to refuse the application but a final decision had not yet been made. TH and MHo agreed that we need to speak directly with Senior Officers about the matter and to ensure Policy HS3 is fully considered and respected as it is clear that it would not support the application. The Council should be aware of the NDP ambitions for a more holistic Town Centre development that would benefit the whole town, and that this and any similar future infill residential development proposals of this kind would have an adverse impact on the town, and especially existing residents and businesses in the area. Action: TH/MHo
- Hoylake Library ALL
It seemed increasingly likely that the proposal for community asset transfer of the Library could be rejected by the council. If this happens, the council should publish the opportunity for other community groups to come forward via the Assets of Community Value scheme. The formal six month period to allow this to happen should kick in as soon as the council announce that the building is up for sale. It is the responsibility of the council to publicise the opportunity. A conversation among the group revealed consensus around as ambition for any alternative future use to be of benefit to the whole community in preference to any private development, in order to align with NDP aspirations for the Town Centre. Action: NB to continue to monitor and feed back.
- Planning applications / enforcement cases update TH
TH reported on current planning applications within the NDP boundary, notably the ongoing proposed development at 37 Stanley Road (now into its third application stage) for which the management group had submitted a representation that was supportive of the principle and the layout and scale, but had raised concerns with the level of detail with regarding to understanding the full heritage impacts. There had been some negative response to our response from the “Save Red Rocks Association” (SRRA) who had objected to the proposal. We had consulted with the Hoylake Conservation Areas Committee and remain of the opinion that the revised proposals do generally align with the NDP, albeit with the caveat concerns noted above. Action: TH to monitor and continue a dialogue with SRRA
- Update on Conservation Area Management Plans and funding TH
Conversations are ongoing with the Hoylake Conservation Areas Association regarding the possibility of jointly seeking funding to support this important project. The Council remain supportive and various match funding opportunities are being explored. - Action: TH
- Open Days March; postpone again? MHo / ALL
MHo reported that time is again short to organise and deliver Open Days before the March 31 funding deadline. Additionally we have not been able to make sufficient progress since last year to conduct further meaningful consultation. It was agreed to re-apply for the funding after April 1 since this would run until March 2024, and is likely to coincide better with the completion of the council’s Local Plan, which would allow us to more accurately anticipate publication date of the revised NDP and act accordingly in regard to public consultation. - NPPF / Local Plan / NP update TH
The UK Government are proposing updates to the NPPF and Local Plan principles including Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs). Many of the changes are broadly deemed positive for areas with an NDP and indicate government support, although there remain significant concerns about principles around density and how that might adversely impact both character and infrastucture of significant parts of Hoylake. TH to monitor and advise as appropriate.
- Next Newsletter update MHo
MHo reported that we have not published a newsletter for some time. Thisis in most part because of the lack of news to report. However it was agreed that a newsletter should nevertheless be published asap. Action: MHo to prepare and corculate a draft.
As part of his Treasurer role, JM agreed to meet with MHo and go through the process of applying for Neighbourhood Planning funding from Locality using Groundworks UK application forms as well as gaining a clear understanding the end of grant form submission process. Action: MHo and JM to meet.
Provisional date of next meeting Weds 8 February 2023