Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at The Old Town Hall, Hoylake on 17.07.18.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MH)(Chair); Richard Stowe (RS); Michael Coates (MC); Nigel Blacow (NB); Sam Gittoes (SG); Alex Woods (AW)
Members not in attendance
Members not in attendance: Julian Priest (JP)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting are not complete and will be approved in due course.
- New Hoylake Vision Management Group member Sam Gittoes was duly elected.
- MH explained that due to GDPR and other procedural issues at WMBC the redesignation of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum had been delayed considerably. As a result, the public consultation period for redesignation of the forum will now end on August 17th 2018. The Council will formally redesignate the forum soon after that date. In the meantime the forum can continue with its normal functions and activities and any decisions and comments made on extant planning applications or other planning issues will continue to carry the same weight.
- The group looked at deisngs for two pop up display panels for use at public events and 2,000 copies of a new 16-page A6 pocket booklet which will be printed for handing out at public events. MH will get it printed taking on board comments from the group later this week.The issue of Disability and Accessibility was noted as an important point to highlight.
- Possible Hoylake Vision presence at the Hoylake LIVE music day on 4 August was discussed. It is hoped that we can have a stand close to where there will be a good level of footfall on the day. NB may be able to attend. MC would investigate possible sites to set up a small stand.
- MH reported on a positive response to the Car Parking comments submitted by Hoylake Vision to the Council with good communications with a council officer who acknowledged receipt. The decision not to proceed with the proposals was welcomed.
- The website was considered an interesting and useful new source of information. It was hoped that HV could build a relationship with the persons responsible for the website and share intelligence and data in due course. MH will make the initial approach; AW would follow up when possible and when appropriate.
- MH reported on a positive meeting with a representative of the ‘Friends of Hoylake beach’. He was able to put right some misconceptions and pointed the group to the NDP’s line on the issue. Following AW’s suggestion it was agreed that HV would approach Liverpool University to propose a piece of work exploring the viability of further study and recommendations for the form this might take. The University are offering to undertake this work in a 15 hour tranche.
- NB confirmed that he would start work on a list of Assets of Community Value as soon as possible. This would be presented at the next public meeting.
- RS explained his unexpected absence from the AGM and wanted to revisit two main issues:
- The protocol checklist. This to be presented at a future meeting.
- A Public Walkabout on the Golf Resort site to identify public rights of way. This would take place early September.
- MC to begin work on a second Hoylake Vision Christmas Cracker event to take place at the Old Town Hall.
AW would likely need to stop work (including Hoylake Vision support) in three weeks time to have her baby; but would re-engage with Hoylake Vision when she is able to do so in due course.
Date of next meeting 11 September 2018
Approved by the Chair in absence and on behalf of the Secretary on 17.07.18