Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at The Old Town Hall, Hoylake on 13.08.19.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MH)(Chair), Nigel Blacow (NB), Jon Morgan (JM), Michael Coates (MC); Julian Priest (JP)
Members not in attendance
All members were in attendance. Alex Woods (AW) on six month leave
Approval of minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Update on Philip Barton, PLACED consultancy and funding
MH reported that he had initiated the Locality funding bid but needed to liaise with PB about some of the wording of the application. - Update on Local Plan and NDP status post 2020
MH had been in touch with PB to seek clarity over the status of the NDP post 2020 in the light of ongoing delays to the Local Plan. PBs professional opinion, that the NDP is part of the Local Plan until policies are changed or removed, appeared to differ from that of WMBC. The UDP itself ‘expired’ some years ago yet the policies within naturally remain extant until removed or updated. The management group have a significant and growing concern over the well publicised delays to the Local Plan being published; since there is a risk that, should an NDP referendum be triggered in 2020 due to the inclusion of significant changes, which is the likely outcome of the current proposed amendments, and the UDP is superceded shortly afterwards, a further NDP may need to be “made” again, costing significant further time and public funds. John Entwistle is seeking clarity from WMBC legal department and PB will liaise with him on our behalf. Nevertheless, in the light of this ongoing uncertainty about the Local Plan, and the timeframe to bring a new NDP together which is likely to require a referendum, it was agreed the extant NDP will be renewed without changes in 2020 to run to 2025. The NDP can be updated or changed at any time after that date and after the new Local Plan is published to reflect any new or amended objectives, priorites or policies. - Update on recent planning applications
- JP reported that a retrospective planning application for a proposed mixed use at 6 Market Street Hoylake had been submitted with wholly inadequate supporting information, notably poor quality freehand drawn plans without scale or legible labelling, in a form that should not have been validated. A representation to the responsible officer had been submitted suggesting they contact the applicant to request substitute drawings of a sufficient standard to be legible to members of the public. A further application for advertising consent should also be required. It was also pointed out that the solid unpainted metal roller shutters currently on the premises are contrary to UDP Policy SH8.
- JP reported on a Prior Approval Commercial Permitted Development Ref No COMX/19/01108 for a change of use from Shop (Use Class A1) to Restaurant and Cafe (Use Class A3) at 23 Grove Road, Hoylake, subject to the proposal being able to demonstrate that it would have no significantly adverse effect upon the amenities of the local area, particularly the amenities of the local residents. JP had therefore submitted a supporting representation on behalf of Hoylake Vision for this application on the basis of its relevance to the following inclusions within the NDP:
- Vision Statement Objective 3: To support a vibrant evening economy which provides high quality food, drink and entertainment opportunities, cultural attractions and later retail trading without prejudicing the amenities of the local area particularly the amenities of local residents.
- Policy BR2: Proposals that would meet an evidenced community need for new or enhanced areas of public open space and recreation (including Grove Park) will be supported.
- Update on Assets of Community Value listing
NB and JP had both contributed further proposals for inclusion in the list of ACVs. NB will circulate a definitive list which will be posted to forum members for consideration with a brief reminder of how ACV listings work. - Update on Co-op site
JM had heard nothing of substance further to previous ‘rumours’. He would follow up by contacting the developers to see if a clear line of communication could be established. - Planning and agenda for AGM
A date of 10th September was agreed for the Hoylake Vision AGM, to be help at the Old Town Hall main hall. HVL CIC to be paid hall hire fees as previously. MH is to prepare a presentation and circulate a draft agenda and poster. This should be circulated and publicised at least two weeks beforehand (by 27 August latest). - Update on Beach and promenade and planning for public meeting
A discussion around recent beach management actions was held and it was decided that Hoylake Vision should not host a dedicated public meeting on the issues at this stage. It was agreed to submit an application for extending the NDP boundary to include part of the SSSI in the light of recorded public and statutory consultee comments submitted to the pre-referendum examination, most notably by Natural England. NB reported he had written to WMBC asking what action would be taken on apparent drainage issues. - Membership update and appeal for new management group members
NB confirmed that 14 new members had joined since the June newsletter… a very positive outcome, however the full reason for the significant boost in interest was unclear. He would try to establish this at the AGM.
- There was no AOB
Date of next meeting 10 September 2019 (AGM)