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Management Group Meeting minutes 13.07.21

Management Group Meeting minutes 13.07.21
July 22, 2021 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held via Zoom on 13.07.21.


Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM), Jon Caswell (JC)

Members not in attendance

Vicky Ponsonby (VP), Alex Woods (AW), Julian Priest (JP)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the May meeting were approved

Management Group Meeting Reports

  1. Sign off on Masterplan, Newsletter and Press Release.
    The group agreed the Masterplan was ready to publish. E-Newsletter draft content and Press release drafts were agreed. The e-newsletter would go first to forum members followed by a Press release co-ordinated by JC and then wider social media; the newsletter would then be published on the forum website for wider public record.
  2. Hoyle Road APP/21/00963
    It was considered that there was little within the NDP that could be used to measure against the application either in support or objection, other than the scale of the development. In JPs absence JMo would contact JP about the deadline extension for submissions and whether he considered a representation would be helpful.
  3. Ellerman Lines APP/W4325/W/21/3266888
    This planning appeal had been rejected by the Planning Inspectorate. Some aspects of Vision’s objections (impact on safety for existing and future residents as a result of impaired access as well as greenbelt concerns) were alluded to in the inspector’s reasons for refusal, but the primary reason was insufficient evidence for building on the greenbelt. This was encouraging. The high-level Masterplan proposals for using the site as a centre for a Wildfowl and Wetlands area could now be explored and consulted upon further.
  4. Carr Lane Consultation and funding application
    The disappointing response to the consultation from residents and businesses in Carr Lane was attributed to the failure of the Wirral Globe to distribute survey forms there. It was agreed to print more survey forms and distribute those by hand across all residences and businesses in the Carr Lane area. MHo had spoken to PLACED and their quotation for a further round of consultation and analysis had been above the likely budget. MHo would put together an exact budget for this stage of consultation and revert to the group.
  5. Banking
    MHo would ask JP to complete the online banking form. AL had stepped down from the group although remained a member of the forum and so a new signatory would be needed.
  6. AGM planning
    It was agreed an AGM should be planned despite ongoing concerns about COVID. Members were asked to consider venue, format and timing (likely Autumn).
  7. Design Code
    MHo and NB were continuing to review draft stages of the design code with AECOM and would revert with a draft for the group to consider as soon as possible. AECOM had been asked to produce some high-level visualisations of how a remodelled promenade with Sustainable Drainage, seating, lighting, EV Charing points, cycle lanes, and other suggestions from the consultation, might look. It was hoped this would be ready for the next meeting.
  8. Update on Philip Barton / planning advice
    Philip Barton has been advised to take a break from work for health reasons but intended to resume work on the NDP as soon as he is able to. MHo would write to him to send our best wishes for a speedy recovery and re-iterate our appreciation of his work to date.
  9. AOB
    No other business



Date of next meeting 10 August 2021