Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held via Zoom on 13.04.21.
Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM), Julian Priest (JP), Andrew Lawton (AL)
Members not in attendance
Jon Caswell (JC), Vicky Ponsonby (VP), Alex Woods (AW)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the February meeting were approved (the March meeting had been cancelled)
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Update on AECOM Design Code and Masterplan work feedback
MHo distributed the current draft of the Masterplan, which is now very close to completion. Management group members were invited to make final observations. It was decided not to publish the document during purdah. It would then be sent to forum members and made available online for the general public to see. A conversation took place about inclusion of high-level proposals for SUDS along the promenade following comments made by a ward member for Hoylake to a management group member suggesting the forum should not be considering infrastructure as part of the NDP. It was decided that drainage along the promenade was a legitimate inclusion in the plan as it had come directly out of a recorded process of public consultation and that Hoylake Vision should continue to research options and viability as far as possible. It was seen as an excellent opportunity to lay out options for realising some of the wider public ambitions for improving the promenade while addressing the drainage issues at the same time. NB would continue his research and report back. - Update on response to Ellerman Lines application
MHo reported this objection had been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. It had the support of Carr Lane residents and Margaret Greenwood MP has also written to the Secretary of State. He had been contacted by a Carr Lane resident who enquired about Vision’s views on this application and had been able to advise on how residents might respond effectively. - Combatting misinformation on social media
The group discussed whether to review and change the existing policy of publishing only news, information and facts online, with occasional e-newsletters to forum members and press releases for wider reach. A new ‘open’ Facebook page had been created to broaden the reach, which raised the question about the need to respond to posts. It was decided to retain the current policy; ie avoiding online ‘debate’; only publishing facts and correcting misinformation where necessary.
- Update on beach / drains / geomorphological survey
Concern was expressed that the commissioning documents for the Geomorphological and Ecological studies had still not appeared on The Chest Portal, nor had the engagement and information portal appeared on the Council Website. Assent for non-vegetation management activities included a supporting document that showed incorrect MHWS tide lines. The NDP supports a regular review of beach management; this has not taken place since 2010, with a ‘renewal’, rather than a review, in 2015. To this end, JP would write to the council to enquire what the lifetime of the new Beach Management Agreement will be so the ‘regular review’ period quoted in the NDP can be made specific as clarity is important.
- Update on Locality funding
MHo had completed the end of grant report by the end of March, and reported that the underspend of £761.96 had been returned to Groundworks by WMBC, the fund administrators. The total amount awarded was £8,460 and the total spend had been £7,698.
- Banking
Three more personal address and banking details of management group members as requested by the Co-op were required so that the process of signatory changes can be completed. MHo would send a reminder.
- Carr Lane
The need for consultation with residents and businesses in Carr Lane was discussed. MH would contact PLACED about costings for a one or two day event as soon as covid restrictions allow. - Membership update
NB reported that twelve new members have joined. Some had provided incomplete address details and so could not be approved as membership is only open to those who live or work within the NDP boundary. - PR coverage for masterplan
In JC’s absence this could not be discussed in detail however there is a need to organise PR in advance of the publishing of the plan.
No other business
Date of next meeting 11 May 2021
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Removal of Hoylake’s ‘Area of Special Landscape Value’ status in the Local Plan