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Management Group Meeting minutes 12.12.23

Management Group Meeting minutes 12.12.23
January 8, 2024 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Arthur’s Restaurant on 12.12.23.


Attendees: Mark Howard (MHo), Tom Hutchinson (TH), Jon Caswell (JC), Jon Morgan (JM), Alex Woods (AW), Andrew Snell (AS),  Nigel Blacow (NB)

Members not in attendance

Jade Wright (JW), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Dan Levers (DL)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the November meeting were approved.

Management Group Meeting Reports

  • Introduction to Kate Hughes (KH) re Sports Village
    AS reported that KH had been unable to attend, but would be invited to the January meeting. AS had been unable to visit the Glasgow Golfit scheme however KH had been able to, and would report to the group at the next meeting. AS also reported that he understood Wirral to have the worst community football facilities provision per capita in the UK. RLGC were working on ideas for the practice range facility on the site of the municipal course. UTS, The Padel Company, Hoylake AC and Oxton Hockey Club had all expressed keen interest in talking further. We can help facilitate a joined-up conversation about meeting these important needs and raising public support which will be vital in order to realise the aims
  • Re-designation delay and our response
    MH reported that we had still not received notification of the start of statutory consultation but understood it was imminent. However in the meantime John Entwhistle had asked us to clarify a small number of queries on the member database; NB would action and send through.
  • Response to Hoylake Village Green proposals
    It was agreed that, since the beach is outside the NDP boundary, that Hoylake Vision should not make a formal response. We would, however, monitor the situation incase any specific planning issues arise that may affect the NDP setting or boundary.
  • Conservation Area Appraisals update
    TH reported that he was still waiting on the first the Draft appraisal (there would be two, the second taking in any responses to the first).
  • Locality Funding update
    JM had spoken to Locality and their advice was to wait until redesignation process had been completed before submitting the application for the next tranche of funding to support the 2024 consultation. As a result of the redesignation delays and that the deadline for spending and reporting is end of March this was now likely to not happen until the 2024-25 round of funding is announced after that date.
  • PR plan update
    JC had met with JW and produced a high level PR strategy. This was welcomed. JC pointed out that a budget would likely need to be set for some editorial space in some publications; rough figures were discussed but more work would be needed to understand how to get best value for money. MH and JM responded that, whilst in agreement, there is unlikely to be funding available until after March 2024. The rest of the group concurred and thanked JC and JW for their excellent work which will serve us well through the next stages of consultation and in the run up to the next referendum, ideally with monthly press releases.
  • Planning Application updates
    TH reported that he had submitted an objection to APPH/23/00658 Warren Road on the basis of unbalanced design within a sensitive setting. He would liaiase with the Conservation Areas Association over APP 22/01190 White Gables and APP 22/01853 23 Stanley Road and make comments as appropriate. On the basis of the NDP, no comments would be made on APPH/23/01266; APP/23/01192; APPH/23/01627.
  • AOB
    • No AOB was raised

Provisional date of next meeting Weds 10 January 2024