Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at The Old Town Hall, Hoylake on 12.03.19. The February meeting had been cancelled.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MH)(Chair), Julian Priest (JP), Michael Coates (MC), Nigel Blacow (NB), Alex Woods (AW).
Members not in attendance
All Management Group members in attendance.
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
- Resignation of Sam Gittoes
Sam had sent a message to say she is unable to continue due to increased work commitments but will remain a forum member. The management group are grateful for her input over the last year. It was noted that the gender balance of the management group was again further degraded and that we need to be continually mindful of this.
- PLACED public consultation events
A further conversation took place about this. It was decided to focus on two key priorities and the group agreed to revert with suggestions within three weeks.
Action points:-
- JP will to contact C0-op to enquire whether a unit in the ROW would be available for some consultation events.
- MH to speak again to PLACED to inform them of progress but no decisions could be made at this stage.
- ALL to consider what might be best prioritising; to put forward thoughts within three weeks.
- MH to put together proposal after next management group meeting.
- JP and MC still to contact Hoylake Live to discuss options.
Update on LJMU Beach Research
No progress as yet; a PHd student is still to be identified to take this proposal forward.Action points:
- ALL to see if we can involve Hoylake Trinity School (and others?) to get involved and encourage involvement of parents.
Philip Barton as Planning Advisor for next NDP
Philip Barton has been busy with his work in Edinburgh and MH neeeds to meet with him to hone in on our requirements. This will necessarily fit in with the PLACED work and is dependent on Locality funding.Action point:
- MH to meet with PB again when he is available to prepare a more detailed scope and obtain get a more realistic quote.
Golf Resort
A conversation took place about how Vision aere likely to respond to this should a planning application come forward in the near future. It was recognised that, as proposals stand, that the NDP would not support the house building proposals within the scheme as they appear to stand, as they do not accord with the spirit of the NDP (See section 5.6: Homes in Hoylake) and in particular with policy H2: “Proposals for residential development must ensure that where appropriate they address the housing needs of the wider community, by providing a mix of housing types, tenures and sizes, including affordable and specialist housing, based upon an up-to-date assessment of housing need.” Such a major proposal should reflect the needs of the existign community and also requires an up to date assessment and this is not yet available in the council’s Local Plan. Other aspects of the NDP raise potential issues with the plans as they appear to stand at present. It was emphasised that the forum’s role is limited to measuring any planning proposals brought forward against the NDP and that some members of the wider public may need to be reminded that the forum does not and can not make planning decisions.Action points:
MH to feed this in to future conversations with PLACED
Other planning matters
No significant planning proposals were brought forward. The Blue Anchor site continues to be of interest and the potential for a Town Square (Masterplan area HS3) remains a related focus.Action points:
- JP to continue to monitor applications.
Identifying management group members
MH again noted that, with the resignation of Sam Gittoes, the gender balance of the management group was again further degraded. It was decided that new ways to attract management group members had to be explored.Action points:
- ALL to continually conider ideas for gaining interest from potential new management group members.
Individual ‘project’ based work
A further discussion was held about individual responsibilities for particular areas of work.Action points:
- ALL to consider further what areas they might like to lead on.
- No other matters were raised. No significant planning applications had been made.
Provisional date of next meeting 09 April 2019
To be approved by the Chair