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Management Group Meeting minutes 11.05.21

Management Group Meeting minutes 11.05.21
June 8, 2021 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held via Zoom on 11.05.21.


Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM), Jon Caswell (JC)

Members not in attendance

Vicky Ponsonby (VP), Alex Woods (AW), Julian Priest (JP)

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the April meeting were approved

Management Group Meeting Reports

  1. Approach to Ward Councillors
    Concern had been expressed that, prior to the local elections on 6 May, a ward councillor had stated to JM that “NDPs are for Dibley, not Hoylake”. The December 2016 referendum brought the NDP into being with 86 percent of those voting (around 900 people) in favour of adoption of the plan. It is therefore deeply concerning that was being dismissed in such a way by a (now re-elected) council member. The neighbourhood forum needs ward councillors to engage with the NDP making process but it is clear that they are not minded to work with us. There is no requirement for this to happen but it would be preferable. The management group would continue to consider how best to approach and improve this disappointing situation.
  2. Masterplan sign off
    AECOM’s work on the masterplan is complete. The management group were asked to feedback any final suggested changes asap and MHo would liaise with JC about a press release. A newsletter to forum members would go out first. Members of the group were asked to contribute content.
  3. Design Code next steps
    AECOM’s work on the design code is continuing and MHo will continue to liaise with them. Regular meetings will be organised and group members are invited to take part.
  4. Banking
    JP, VP and JC were asked to submit details so this form can be progressed with Co-op and Chris Moore.
  5. Carr Lane Consultation
    The need to conduct further consultation in Carr Lane was discussed. PLACED’s estimate was well beyond the budget so we need to be creative. Ideas such as leaflet drop, consultation event in an open space, distribution of survey forms were all discussed. Timing depends on the lifting of COVID restrictions.
  6. AOB
    No other business



Date of next meeting 8 June 2021