Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Arthur’s Restaurant on 10.04.24.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MHo), Tom Hutchinson (TH), Alex Woods (AW), Nigel Blacow (NB)
Members not in attendance
Jade Wright (JW), Maureen Hanson (MHa), Jon Morgan (JM), Dan Levers (DL), Andrew Snell (AS), Jon Caswell (JC)
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the March meeting were approved.
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Vision engagement with Carrs Wetlands project WMBC / CWT
MHo was keen to ensure that Vision engage with the Council and Cheshire Wildlife Trust following the recent funding award in respect of this area for Wildlife and habitat improvements. The NDP supports improved public access and enhancements to the environment in the Carrs, inlcuding a possible visitor centre, and this carries a lot of support in the community. Emerging ideas for integrating sports and leisure facilities need to be communicated and we will need council support to ensure this is not overlooked in any plans. - Engagement strategy proposal and PR / Social Media plans. TH had distributed the Locality “Neighbourhood Plannign Roadmap” with an excellent draft high level document outlining a possible engagement strategy for the new NDP. This would form the basis of the way forward and the group would need to work together to “flesh it out” as soon as redesignation is confirmed. Until then, and in the absence of key management group members in the meeting discussion of related PR and Social Media plans was also postponed for consideration at the next meeting.
- Draft response to WMBC re Melrose APP/22/01127
TH and MHo had jointly drafted a response to the council’s response to this application, with conditional approval, which conflicts with NDP policy HS3: “In the area defined as HS3 on the Proposals Map a comprehensive redevelopment scheme or individual proposals delivered as part of a phased masterplan approach will be permitted so long as they would deliver a high-quality public space that would be well-integrated into the key shopping area”. We had been assured in writing by the Case Officer that if recommended for approval, it would go to Planning Committee, which it did not. Additionally, particular concerns relate to lack of response to a number of other queries raised by TH. MHo would draft an email requesting a meeting with the new Head of Planning to find a more positive way forward. However, this would be done after redesignation. - Conservation Area Appraisals update
TH reported that this work was now substantially complete and he was very happy with the outcome. A very positive and successful project which emerged as a direct response of an enquiry raised at Hoylake Vision’s 2022 AGM. - Census data update
MHo had sent links and would sit with AW to go through accessing the ONS website and how to download the data. - Planning applications
No current planning applications required response from Vision as no conflicts with the NDP were apparent.
- No AOB
Provisional date of next meeting Weds 8 May 2024