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Management Group Meeting minutes 08.09.20

Management Group Meeting minutes 08.09.20
September 15, 2020 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at The Green Lodge, Hoylake on 08.09.20.


Attendees: Nigel Blacow (NB), Mark Howard (MHo), Andrew Lawton (AL), Alex Woods (AW), Maureen Hanson (MHa)

Members not in attendance

Julian Priest (JP), Vicky Ponsonby (VP), Jon Morgan (JM),

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were approved

Management Group Meeting Reports

  1. New management group members The group welcomed Maureen Hanson who is a retired lawyer. Her skills and insights will be invaluable and we look forward to having her on the team. It was also reported that Jonathan Caswell, a PR professional, had asked to join the management group and this was agreed; he would be invited to the next meeting.
  2. Update on PLACED consultation. MH reported that the online consultation was getting a good response although it was hoped more publicity in the coming weeks and the paper survey would boost numbers. Interim results were showing interesting and positive responses in many areas.
  3. Carr Lane consultation This part of the online consultation had had a poor response. It was agreed that a future open day event would take place and greater effort must be made to directly consult the residents and businesses of Carr Lane. Some suggestions were made about how to achieve this.
  4. AECOM Design Code and Masterplanning MH reported that work was ongoing and a ‘framework’ for the Masterplan was being produced; this would be circulated shortly. The Design Code was coming along well and an updated version would be circulated shortly.
  5. Vision banking AL reported that he understood that there had still be very little progress. He would follow up with JM. It was considered changing banks might be the best course of action.
  6. 37 Stanley Road It was likely this would not align with the NDP and therefore JP was working on an objection letter. The emerging Design Code is potentially a material consideration and MH would seek advice from Philip Barton and AECOM about the validity of including this in a response.
  7. Drains / promenade NB reported that he had finally got a positive response from WMBC on 19 July. This had been published on social media with a very positive public response. However since there is still no evidence of action he would contact WMBC again.
  8. Golf Resort A new ‘rebranded’ website for the NJVG project – named “Forest Lakes” – had appeared shortly before being taken down. This showed essentially the same project albeit with an apparent effort to present it in more ‘eco-friendly’ terms. The focus is now on trees and carbon sequestration; however advice had been sought by the Chair from a forestry professional who had reservations about the mention of Pine Forest, which would struggle to grow in the very exposed windy flood plain of the Birkett Valley, although Willow, Birch and Alder might succeed. A meeting between NJVG and a Ward Councillor had been reported to the Green alliance which had not been well received; it is clear the Green Alliance will not be supporting the project. The project still appears to be in the process of securing funding.
  9. Kingsmead School Since the school is now closed, and the NDP boundary includes some of the site, future use of the site will inevitably become a matter for Hoylake Vision management group to consider. This site is likely to become a target for private developers and concerns were already running in the community about this possibility. MH had raised the issue with David Ball at WMBC and was hoping to secure a meeting with a Trustee of Kingsmead in due course.
  10. AGM It was agreed that in the circumstances an AGM this year is not possible. The positions of the management group will be held for a further year. A newsletter will be sent to members inviting comments and suggestions for the coming year.
  11. AOB None



Date of next meeting 13 October 2020