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Design Guide and Codes published

Design Guide and Codes published
March 21, 2022 admin
Document Cover: Design Guide and Codes

On the basis of an earlier consultation round in 2020, the forum worked with consultants AECOM to produce a draft ‘Masterplan’ and a more detailed ‘Design Guide and Codes’ for Hoylake.

Both are now open for a further round of consultation.

Ideas explored in the documents include a re-imagining of the town’s Promenade to include porous surfacing, EV charging points and improved accessibility, the possibility of a Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre to the east of the Carr Lane area, and a range of options for the town centre.

The Design Guide and Codes goes into more detail than the Masterplan and is aimed at applicants, developers,
& landowners. It is a guide for community and Local Planning Authority expectations on design, allowing a degree of certainty – they will be expected to follow the Guidelines as planning consent is sought.

For the Local Authority it is a reference point, embedded in policy, against which to assess planning applications. The Design Guidelines should be discussed with applicants during any preapplication discussions.

For Hoylake Vision it acts as a further tool against which to assess planning applications when making representations, and for community groups & local residents it will be a tool to promote community-backed development and to inform comments on planning applications.

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