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APP/16/01266 – wheelchair accessible off grid toilet [no power or water required] at Hoylake Allotment Association site off Sandringham Avenue, Hoylake

APP/16/01266 – wheelchair accessible off grid toilet [no power or water required] at Hoylake Allotment Association site off Sandringham Avenue, Hoylake
October 19, 2016 admin

Dear Mr Williams,

This email message is the consultation response from the Hoylake Community Planning Forum [HCPF] regarding the planning application APP/16/01266: for a wheelchair accessible off grid toilet [no power or water required] at Hoylake Allotment Association site off Sandringham Avenue, Hoylake.

HVPF support this application on the basis of its increasing the amenity of the local allotment gardens of Hoylake Allotment Association.

As it reflects the previously approved application NoAPP/15/00124 for a similar wheelchair accessible off grid toilet at Gilroy Road Allotments in West Kirby we trust you are minded to approve this application.

Yours sincerely,
Julian Priest
on behalf of Hoylake Community Planning Forum