From the end of 2020, Hoylake NDP objectives, priorities and policies will continue to carry weight when applied to planning applications until it is replaced with a new NDP.
In the meantime, the weight given to its objectives, priorities and policies in any decision making will gradually reduce over time.
We had been aiming to deliver the plan for 2020-2025 before the end of 2020 however ongoing delays in the council’s Local Plan being published mean we are unable to achieve this goal because the Hoylake NDP has to align with the Local Plan.
We therefore have an extended opportuntity to improve on the NDP by re-visiting policy proposals that were excluded from the plan by the independent examiner due to lack of evidence, such as that for a Shopfront Design Guide.
We can also amend the existing plan where necessary, and also add new priorities, objectives and policies as required.
However, as with the first iteration of the NDP, we must also demonstrate that we heve undertaken sufficient public consultation on any significant changes that are made.
So alongside that consultation process we are inviting you to become involved, and make suggestions and work with us to see those ideas included in the NDP.
The six main themes remain: 1) Improving the Town Centre; 2) The Promenade and Recreation; 3) Getting Around Hoylake; 4) A Distinctive Identity; 5) Homes in Hoylake, and 6) Enhancing Carr Lane Industrial Estate, however new themes may emerge over the next two to three years.
Within each of these themes we have identified specific areas that need to be looked at in more detail; either ideas and proposals that have been removed from the 2015-2020 plan or completely new ideas, which may include suggestions made by the wider public.