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May 21, 2018 at 12:03 am #3965

There were many comments on this, and on open spaces more generally, in the consultation for the current NDP. These can be read here:

These comments are assessed statistically here:

Note the specific question relating to this issue, with 30 per cent considering it to be a low or very low priority (or, perhaps, unpopular), and with 52 per cent to consider it a high or very high priority (or popular).

It was therefore deemed to have reached a consensus of general support and, as such, should be explored further.

In order to do so, the concerns raised also need to be taken into account.

We produced an analysis of these results here:

It was clear that, at the time of the last survey, a number of those who responded continued to identify facilities for young people, such as a Skateboard park, with antisocial behaviour.

But what evidence, if any, is there to support these concerns? Or is it merely anecdotal?

Just as we are obliged to support objectives, priorities and policies in the NDP with evidence, there needs to be a solid evidence base for any reasoning put forward against proposals, especially where a particular segment of the community is concerned.

So, as well as consulting with residents who live in proximity to any potential sites, some research is needed to support any further proposals.