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Reply To: APP/17/00499 – 10 dwellings | St Lukes Tennis Club, CHARLES ROAD, HOYLAKE, CH47

HOME Forums Management Group Forum APP/17/00499 – 10 dwellings | St Lukes Tennis Club, CHARLES ROAD, HOYLAKE, CH47 Reply To: APP/17/00499 – 10 dwellings | St Lukes Tennis Club, CHARLES ROAD, HOYLAKE, CH47

June 22, 2017 at 7:47 pm #3418

Application Summary
Address: St Lukes Tennis Club, CHARLES ROAD, HOYLAKE, CH47 2AB
Proposal: Proposed residential development of 10 dwelling.
Case Officer: Mr N Williams
Click for further information

Customer Details
Name: Mr Julian Priest
Address: 7 Chapel Road Hoylake Wirral

Comments Details
Commenter Type: Other
Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application
Reasons for comment:
Comments: I write on behalf of Hoylake Community Planning Forum to confirm our consultation response to this Planning Application

In considering the information submitted to date and having reviewed the proposals we make the following comments:

As previously advised by an earlier email the land ownership boundary in the submitted documents is still not correctly shown. The Land Registry title plan for the land that includes the application site shows that the land owned by the applicant extends to include the unadopted section of Charles Road that runs from the application site to Melrose Avenue.
This land outside the application site should be correctly identified with a blue boundary line as adjacent land in the ownership of the applicant.

In considering the information submitted to date and having reviewed the proposals against the policies contained in the Hoylake Neighbourhood Plan we make the following comments:

The current proposal does not appear to meet the requirements of this policy as it does not provide a mix of housing types, tenures and sizes, including affordable and specialist housing. This policy expects that any sizeable residential development be based upon an up-to-date assessment of housing need to address the housing needs of the wider community.

The current proposals appear appropriate when measured against this policy in attempting to reflect the identity of the local area.

Kindest regards
Julian Priest

on behalf of Hoylake Community Planning Forum