Outline Application with all matters reserved except for access for the demolition of barns and the erection of up to 8 residential dwellings.
This representation is on behalf of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum, which prepared the Hoylake Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). We are pleased to see that the redevelopment of these buildings have excluded the New Hall Farmhouse, built as part of Lord Stanley of Alderley’s estate and the adjacent New Hall Farm buildings, both of which are identified in the Hoylake NDP as character buildings (non-designated heritage assets). See Policies DI1 and DI2 of the NDP.
Whilst in principle we welcome the renewal of this part of the Carr Lane Industrial Area, we would like to point out that it is within a masterplan area (Policy CL2 of the NDP) which requires comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment as part of a phased masterplan approach.
This masterplan area is highly accessible (close to a town centre and rail station less than 30 minutes into a major City) and we believe the Council should consider the implications of allowing piecemeal development without an overall vision, masterplan and design codes to secure the optimum configuration of buildings and activities that could secure much wider public benefits for the area.
Management Group
Hoylake Community Planning Forum
Hoylake Community Planning Forum