Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at Monte Carlo Restaurant, Hoylake on 12.11.19.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MH) (Chair), Nigel Blacow (NB), Jon Morgan (JM), Julian Priest (JP), Andrew Lawton (AL), Jon Entwistle, Wirral Council Forward Planning adviser and Forum Liaison (JE) (Guest)
Members not in attendance
Michael Coates (MC), Vicky Ponsonby (VP), Alex Woods (AW) on six-month leave
Approval of minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved
Management Group Meeting Reports
- Introductions to the Management Group for Jon Entwistle
- Locality basic grant, additional grant, affordable housing grant and technical support application update (MH):
- Basic grant for PLACED consultation exercise and professional fees. This would be applied for within the coming weeks.
- Additional grant for design guide and NDP boundary extension advice. This would be applied for within the coming weeks. The processes required for application for NDP boundary extension was discussed with JE. As anticipated he confirmed there would be a six week consultation period before boundary redesignation could be made.
- Affordable housing grant for Town Square recommendation housing component. This could be explored as an ‘additional’ package but clarity was needed from Locality. MH would seek advice on this.
- Technical support package for new Habitat Regulations Assessment on beach. This was discussed with JE. Before this could be applied for the LA would need to conduct an appropriate assessment. With current negotiations on future beach management being dependent on a visit from Natural England this would be complex at this stage.
- Agreement in principle for WMBC to be the accountable body for the funding. JE confirmed he would get sign off for this from the LA.
- Drains and road gullies NB reported that he was having great difficulty getting responses from WMBC that indicate actions have been or will be taken on this issue. He would again write requesting updates.
- List of ACVs submission sign off NB confirmed the final list and gave an update on responses from WMBC. The process appears to be working albeit time-consuming. NB was thanked for his ongoing hard work driving this forward.
- Membership mailing sign off MH confirmed the leaflets and booklets would be circulated to all homes within the NDP area via SOLUS distribution.
- Christmas Cracker event progress. MC (absent) sent an update on the Christmas Cracker event plans.
- AOB There was no AOB
Date of next meeting 14 December 2020 (Christmas Cracker event)