Call to order
A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at The Old Town Hall, Hoylake on 11.09.18.
Attendees: Mark Howard (MH)(Chair), Julian Priest (JP), Michael Coates (MC), Sam Gittoes (SG), Nigel Blacow (NB).
Members not in attendance
Members not in attendance: Alex Woods; Richard Stow (RS) – emailed his resignation as he is due to leave the area.
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
- Review of Hoylake LIVE
We missed the opportunity to do questionnaires at the event – we require some paper membership forms that are GPDR compliant also. Next year Hoylake LIVE is going to be bigger and all the event will be held at Hoylake Rugby Club. We should ensure we have a presence there.The gazebo was only useable when the ground is flat and there isn’t much wind. The questionnaires relate to residents and non residents and we need to be able to differentiate between the 2 sets of data. Wirral Borough Council have also previously obtained visitor economy data on Hoylake.
Action points:-
- MH and NB to create paper copies of online membership form for the next event.
- MH to source visitor data from Wirral Borough Council.
- ALL Need to consider the questions for each priority for the 2020 Vision and develop some questions in line with the 2020 priorities.
Update on Beach Research
MH has spoken to Liverpool University and it is agreed that a PHD student will be available for 15 days with a £500 bursary to conduct research on the issues surrounding Hoylake beach, with a view to informing a decision on whether to include the beach in the NDP.MH is drafting a brief in consultation with other key stakeholders. Friends of Hoylake Beach have been consulted and approved the draft text. Hillary Ash from Wirral Wildlife has also agreed it. MH to approach others including Liverpool FoE.
All parties are on board to get the research done; a very positive and collaborative approach.
The NDP boundary stops at the promenade wall and does not include the beach. Philip Barton sees no reason why the beach to the mean high tide should not be included. This will support further developing priorities, objectives and policies that will support increased visitor numbers and new, appropriately scaled facilities.
Study will necessarily take into account accelerating sea level rise/sand accretion and other coastal processes, as well as long, short and medium term shoreline management recommendations. Report should make new recommendations to be provided to move forward revisiting recommendations of the 2000 Alan Jemmett report in line with current context.
Key objective is to amplify facts and accurate information and to correct misleading or incorrect information when presented in order to facilitate a much better informed community conversation around the issues.
Action points:
- MH to send brief regarding the boundary of the beach management to Liverpool University for the PHD research asap. Arrange meeting with Liverpool University
- ALL to see if we can involve Hoylake Trinity School (and others?) to get involved and encourage involvement of parents.
Distribution of new booklets
We have approximately 2,000 booklets printed. St Luke’s have agreed to distribute leaflets along Market Street. Nigel has also confirmed that he will be able to distribute leaflets from Kings Gap to Hoyle Road along Market Street and the Prom. He will contact Chris Moore to see if he will do the Kings Gap and Stanley Road.Action point:
NB to distribute asap -
Theme for the next public meeting: Making the most of Hoylake’s buildings and spaces [Assets of Community value]
Consider the topic of creating a local list of Assets of Community Value (ACVs). These are privately and publicly owned buildings and spaces (excluding residential), that are deemed to be of value to the community. When they come up for sale, a six-week period begins within which in which a community group can put forward an expression of interest and six months to prepare an offer before other private buyers are able to purchase. Meeting date provisinally set for 10.10.18.Action points:
- MH to draft outline brief for ACV list creation. The Town Hall can be considered as an example of an asset of community value being identified and used positively.
- MH to get meeting publicity out and push out on social media.
- ALL to help distribute posters, news of the event.
Christmas event planning
MC working on this event, to take place on 15 December 2018 on Saturday from midday in the Old Town Hall Main Hall upstairs. We require stalls from the local community groups. There will be food and drinks stalls, craft market stalls, pop up food stalls and maybe the Mulberry Tree Choir to sing. Anticipate 20-30 stalls mainly local community groups and the Ukulele Band.Action points:
- MC to continue arrangements and report back.
Update on planning applications
Julian Priest has not got an update as yet. No response from enforcement teams.The Old Garden have done some planting in relation to replacing the trees.Vanilla has an existing outhouse which has been developed and let out as a property without planning, they need to apply for retrospective planning permission; JP in contact with council.Old Lifeboat Station is going to be artist studio and needs to apply for change of use; JP will approach and monitorChange of use of the Presbyterian Church number of units 15 there are ongoing concerns among nearby residents with regards to parking. HV will await revised plans before commenting.Sean Brady at the council has had a conversation with Derek regarding street furniture and the Hoylake Christmas lights displaying posters on the lampposts.
Action points:
- JP to pursue various
Future fnding arrangements
MH had a positive and helpful meeting with Philip Barton (PB) in Hoylake re consultancy for NDP 2020 and funding. The government have not been clear for NDP forums to take forward, funding is not very clear.Funding dependent, it is confirmed that PB is to be appointed as HVs independent planning consultant for the next iteration of the NDP. He knows the plan in detail, avoiding the need for another consultant to spend time and money getting “up to speed”.Need to speak to the council to see how much we need for 2020 cost of the referendum. Previously it was around £60,000 to put it together, probably the cost now will be around £5,000-£10,000.Birkenhead and Tranmere Forums have thrown the towel in as they could not agree boundaries with the council. Irby are trying to get an NDP together and Hoylake is the only one of note on the Wirral.Action points:
- MH to investigate funding options speak further with PB.
- MH to meet with John Entwistle (JE) to discuss funding, next steps, referendum and examination questions.
Update on re-designation
Consultation closed on 17 August 2018, There is a statutory 13 week period in which WMBC must make a decision. We are currently ‘out of designation’ but the NDP remains in force and in the meantime forum recommendations carry the same weight as if we were still designated. No cause for concern about any possible objections.Action points:
- MH to discuss with JE when they meet.
Membership update
NB advised we have one new member since last meeting, we need to generate new members from the next event. GDPR data cleaning is complete.
- Richard Stowe has resigned. MH will send a letter of gratitude for his service over the years. RS is one of the three original founders of the planning forum and his input has been of great value.
Provisional date of next meeting 11 October 2018
Approved by the Chair 10.10.18