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Management Group Meeting Minutes 11.06.19

Management Group Meeting Minutes 11.06.19
July 7, 2019 admin

Call to order

A meeting of the Management Group of Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum was held at The Old Town Hall, Hoylake on 11.06.19.


Attendees: Mark Howard (MH)(Chair), Nigel Blacow (NB), Jon Morgan (JM), Alex Woods (AW); Michael Coates (MC)

Members not in attendance

Julian Priest (JP)

Approval of minutes

The May meeting had been cancelled. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved


  1. Proactive support of planning applications
    It was agreed that Hoylake Vision should take a more proactive approach to making representations in support of key planning applications that are likely to have a sustainable and positive impact on the local community and economy, if they are clearly supported by NDP objectives, priorities and policies.It was noted that the majority of representations submitted to WMBC are objections. Since the Neighbourhood Planning works in the context of the NPPF, in which there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, the management group feel this approach to be appropriate. JP and MH to action as required.
  2. Golf resort
    MH reported the potential implications for the current golf resort proposals as a consequence of the change to no overall control in the council following the recent council elections. It remains unclear at this stage how the council will proceed but it is likely a planning application will still go forward given the potential costs to the council of withdrawing completely from the scheme.  We remain ready to respond to any forthcoming application which will be measured carefully against objectives, priorities and policies in the NDP. MH is in ongoing conversation with officers and members.
  3. Locality funding
    Funding for appointment of Philip Barton as planning adviser for the next NDP has not yet been quantified. MH to pursue asap. Funding for appointment of PLACED as consultants for the next NDP has not been quantified. A further conversation to identify key priorities resulted in a proposal that the Town Square masterplan and Beach and Promenade elements of the NDP be further consulted on. MH to pursue with PLACED.
  4. Update on beach research / Liverpool Uni PHd study
    MH reported that a PHD student is yet to be identified for this project. AW to enquire with the University and progress as appropriate.
  5. Door to door consultation survey
    PLACED could help draft a series of questions for a door to door survey. Analysis of the results would be time consuming and we may need to pay them to undertake this work; the last survey of 2012 was very time intensive and undertaken by a very small number of volunteers. It is unrealistic to anticipate this being done by volunteers again.
  6. Newsletter
    MH to send out newsletter text as agreed with amendments. We will aim to make these more regular, ideally bi-monthly or more frequently if possible.
  7. Future meetings
    It was agreed to hold the next meeting, and more regular future meetings, at local pubs, and to invite the wider forum and the general public for informal introductions to the management group and the work of Hoylake Vision.  MC to enquire whether the next meeting could be held at The Ship Inn on 9 July at 7.30pm, opening to the wider forum and public at 8pm. MH to produce a poster to place in the pub and send to MC prior to the meeting.


  • New management group member
    Jon Morgan was invited to join the management group and accepted. MH reiterated the need for the management group need to actively campaign for more female members to correct the gender imbalance.



Provisional date of next meeting 9 July 2019