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Reply To: Revised Constitution

HOME Forums Management Group Forum Revised Constitution Reply To: Revised Constitution

October 19, 2017 at 11:19 pm #3510


A Hoylake Neighbourhood Forum is hereby re-established under the 2012 Localism Act for Neighbourhood Planning, but shall be known as the Hoylake Community Planning Forum, hereafter referred to as “Hoylake Vision”. Hoylake Vision [Hoylake Community Planning Forum] is a community group with no political allegiances or bias.

The governing philosophy for Hoylake Vision is:

2 i.
To enhance and promote Hoylake’s identity locally, nationally and internationally as a multi-faceted visitor destination.

2 ii.
To foster the goodwill and involvement of the whole community, inclusive of all ages, ethnicity, faith, health and gender in maintaining community spirit and encouraging civic pride.

2 iii.
To promote Hoylake as a place with a clear social conscience, where community, the environment, education, history and heritage matter and where future development is sustainable and secure.

The objects of Hoylake Vision are:

3 i.
To prepare statutory neighbourhood planning proposals partnership with the local planning authority, Wirral Borough Council, including a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Hoylake Neighbourhood Area which will pay particular attention to housing, economic regeneration, conservation, environmental development and social needs of the designated Neighbourhood Area.

3 ii.
To improve Hoylake for the benefit of the community of residents, businesses and visitors by promoting the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area.

3 iii.
To pursue conservation and regeneration of the town with particular emphasis on the high street, housing, the industrial estate, communication links, the promenade, public spaces and surrounding agricultural areas and green belt.

3 iv.
To raise awareness and understanding of the status and policies of the NDP and the role and responsibilities of the Forum.

3 v.
To measure current and future planning proposals and applications against NDP objectives, priorities and policies and to make representations where appropriate.

3 vi.
To develop the next iteration of the NDP , which will involve:

a/. Revising NDP objectives, priorities and policies.

b/. Establishing new objectives, priorities and policies based on secure evidence and consensus following public consultation.

c/. Reviewing the relevance of the existing designated area including if necessary a new application for a revised neighbourhood area boundary.

The boundary of the existing Neighbourhood Area is indicated by the green line on the attached map (Annex A) as designated by Wirral Council on 30th April 2013.

Hoylake Vision will establish a Management Committee which is responsible to the Forum for:

5 i.
The pursuit of the objects defined at Clause 2 of this Constitution.

5 ii.
Promotion of sustainable development, environmental improvement and conservation by educating, encouraging and assisting the local population in environmental practice, working in partnership with similar groups and organisations.

5 iii.
Inviting and receiving contributions and raising funds, where appropriate, to finance the work of the Forum, and to manage a bank account to control such funds.

5 iv.
Publicising and promoting the work of the Forum and organising meetings, training courses, events or seminars as required.

5 v.
Working with and consulting other community groups, businesses and potential developers by exchanging information, advice and knowledge.

5 vi.
Employing experts and volunteers with appropriate skills (who shall not be members of the Management Committee) as necessary to conduct agreed Forum activities.

5 vii.
Taking all forms of action that are lawful and necessary to achieve the objects of the Forum, including taking out any contracts.

Membership shall be open to anyone who has an interest in assisting the Forum to achieve its objects and is willing to adhere to the following requirements:

6 i.
Membership is open to any person who lives or works within the Hoylake Neighbourhood Area.

6 ii.
The Forum shall have a minimum of 21 members.

6 iii.
Membership shall be representative of the different sections of the community and businesses in the neighbourhood.

6 iv.
Membership is open to elected Ward Councillors and the Member of Parliament for the Neighbourhood Area but they shall not serve on the Management Committee.

6 v.
Members will be required to comply with the Forum constitution.

6 vi.
Where it is considered that individual membership would be detrimental to the aims and activities of the Forum, the Management Committee may recommend to the Forum that membership may be refused, terminated or suspended by resolution passed at a meeting of the Forum.

6 vii.
Any member of the Forum may resign his/her membership by providing the Secretary with written notice.

6 viii.
The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a current list of members.


7 i.
The Forum shall meet at least once a year to discuss Forum plans including actions, progress to date and to consider future developments.

7 ii.
The Secretary shall ensure that all members shall be given due notice of any meeting which notice will include details of the place where the meeting is to be held and the start time. The agenda and any supporting papers will be distributed before the meeting. The meeting shall also be publicised in the area to non-members.

7 iii.
Twelve (12) members must be present in order for a Forum meeting to take place which number represents the defined quorum. Where the defined quorum has not been reached, a Forum Meeting may proceed but any vote taken at that meeting shall be invalid.

7 iv.
It shall be the responsibility of the Chair to conduct all meetings unless a designated deputy has been appointed in his/her absence. The Secretary must ensure that a true and accurate record is made of all meetings which will be distributed to members and made available to interested parties.

7 v.
The Annual General Meeting shall take place as decided by the Management Committee provided that fifteen months should not elapse without a General Meeting. At least fourteen (14) days notice must be given of any General Meeting. Amendments to the proposed Agenda maybe submitted by members in writing to the Secretary up to seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

7 vi.
Special General Meetings may be called when necessary by the Management Committee or on receipt by the Secretary of a requisition in writing stating the object or objects for which it is proposed that the Meeting shall be convened and signed by not less than five (5) members.

7 vii.
All members are entitled to vote at a General Meeting and every member shall have one vote which shall be given in person. In the case of a tied vote, the Chair or an appointed deputy shall have a casting vote.

7 viii.
A Motion or Amendment to the Constitution can only be made at a General Meeting of the Forum and no such Motion or Amendment shall take effect unless it be confirmed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of those present and voting.

The Forum shall be administered by a Management Committee of no less than three (3) and no more than twelve (12) Forum members who shall be representative of the community of Hoylake. Committee members will be elected by members of the Forum for a period of one year, but may stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall meet as often as is required but no less than four (4) times per year.

The Forum shall approve officers consisting of:
The Chair (to be nominated by the Management Committee)
The Treasurer
The Secretary
and any additional officers deemed necessary to carry out the activities of the Forum.


10 i.
All monies acquired by the Forum, including donations, contributions and bequests, shall be paid into an account operated by the Management Committee in the name of Hoylake Community Planning Forum. All funds must be applied solely to the objects of the Forum and for no other purpose.

10 ii.
Any deeds, cheques etc relating to the Forum’s bank account shall be authorised by at least two (2) of the following: Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and one other nominated Committee member

10 iii.
It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to be accountable for all Forum income and expenditure and to ensure funds are utilised effectively and that the Forum remains solvent at all times. The Treasurer shall maintain full and accurate accounting records. At the discretion of the Management Committee, the accounts should be examined by an independent accountant who is not a member of the Forum. An annual financial report shall be presented at the AGM. The Group’s accounting year shall run from 01 January to 31 December.


11 i.
Any decision to undertake, consult on or submit to the local planning authority for approval a successor Neighbourhood Development Plan or other Statutory neighbourhood planning proposal shall be subject to a vote of the full Forum.

11 ii.
All consultation on the Neighbourhood Development Plan or other statutory neighbourhood planning proposal will be open to all residents and businesses within the Neighbourhood Area, whether members of the Forum or not.

11 iii.
The Forum shall publicise the neighbourhood planning process, seek to involve everyone who lives or works in the Neighbourhood Area and make an accurate record of the outcome of the consultations.

11 iv.
The Management Committee, on behalf of the Forum, shall be required to work with the local planning authority and any independent experts and advisers on the Neighbourhood Development Plan or other statutory neighbourhood planning proposal as required.

11 v.
At the discretion of the Forum, the Management Committee is authorised to delegate the tasks of gathering and compiling information and preparing the Neighbourhood Development Plan or other statutory neighbourhood planning proposal subject to clause 10(i) above. The membership of delegated teams shall be decided by the Management Committee who may co-opt additional members as it sees fit.

11 vi.
If membership of the Forum falls below 21 persons the result of any vote taken in regard to statutory Neighbourhood Planning during this time shall be invalid but business related to other activity referred to in Section 2 may continue to be conducted and the result of any vote shall be valid.

The Hoylake Forum may be dissolved by the members by a majority vote at a General Meeting. Any assets or remaining funds after debts have been paid shall be returned to their providers or transferred to local charities or similar groups at the discretion of the Management Committee.

This constitution was adopted at a General Meeting of the Hoylake Forum held at on October 2017 .
Signed: A N OTHER [Committee Member]

Signed: A N OTHER [Committee Member]

(as designated by Wirral Council on 30th April 2013)

  • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Jo0Lz. Reason: added in "is a community group with no political allegiances or bias."