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Reply To: APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension

HOME Forums Management Group Forum APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension Reply To: APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension

June 7, 2017 at 9:34 pm #3342

Agree it should be part of our remit to raise the concern about possible future change of use given the publicly available evidence that this is currently an Air BNB opportunity. Anecdotal evidence cannot carry any weight and should not be mentioned in our response; that was my main concern.

In addition I do suspect that as a result of its height and position it may breach NPPF regs on proximity of overlooking windows on adjacent properties… this is not directly an NDP consideration but it may be worth checking out or bringing to the attention of the deciding officer?