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Reply To: APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension

HOME Forums Management Group Forum APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension Reply To: APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension

May 27, 2017 at 9:46 am #3337

CLiK2LiNK AirBnB Listing

See the link above

This house appears to be operated as a commercial concern offering ‘short-stay rental’ bookings via AirBnB
Therefore the planning application is not REALLY for a Granny Annex but additional room to increase bed space to make more profit for the owners and very much to the detriment of their immediate neighbours

The March 2015 Deregulation Act, set rules to allow homeowners to let their property for up to 90 days a year. From what I hear from a direct neighbour this property is let pretty much every weekend and for whole weeks at a time in the summer.

Apparently the owners have bought another dwelling locally, a flat, so that they can ‘move out’ of this one to allow their AirBnB guest free reign this property.

Now I’m not against someone doing this sort of thing as it good for the local economy.
But what I do feel it is unjust is to do this and severely adversely affect your neighbours

If it is a commercial ‘short-stay rental’ that is a very different thing to a ‘home’

I believe HNPF have a duty to advise the local authority of what this property is being used for…..